Party of law and order, ladies and gentlemen

I think they confused "don't mind clunky dialogue" with "love it"

The acolyte is tremendously meh.

It's just fine.

The dialogue is childish and the delivery of it feels like a high school play. the orchestral score just takes me right out of it. It doesn't work together at all. It also feels like it wants to be a Jedi noir story but it solves the case in the first episode.

I listened to his pod cast a while ago. It was interesting to hear some of his interviews and while people hold him up as a liberal, he comes off as a right wing democrat, mostly based on the messages he pushes through who he platforms and how he interviews them.

I stopped listening a while back because it was the same filtered right wing talking points over and over. Based on the titles of his episodes it's gotten even worse since then. He's basically on the same level as the New York Times/CNN, trying to get left wingers to the right.

Ezra Klein is an brilliant idiot who needs to stop.

I thought that was Tim curry

I mean, hunter was found guilty already. Granted they don't think the crime should exist

I don't care if there's bibles in the schools, I just don't think it's at all appropriate to teach the content outside of a comparative religion class.

Most of the levels in the original halo were a pita simply because of the ridiculously overused map pieces...

Also, the water level of blaster master always frustrated me to pieces.

I feel like he appeals to republicans more

3 body problem is just fine. It's not really hard sci fi, except that they don't have FTL.

I never liked Sanderson, it always felt like he was writing with the expectation that his work would become a videogame.

It also helps to understand that >! Drummer is micio pa !< In the Marco plot line so >! Micio!< Isn't really the pathetic neophyte they seem like in the TV show.

No, I completely believe there are white nationalist militias all over the place training for a chance to kill Jews Muslims and black and brown people... It's just the phraseology and poor grammar was unintentionally hilarious to me.

And I just listened to the Dollop on Shea, the dude is insane, but there's also so many just like him.

Most people might be able to pick up what's going on, but it really doesn't hurt to start from the beginning.

The major issue I have with the books is that the bad guys are so cartoonishly evil or stupid, for the most part. The TV show does an excellent job of humanizing them and making their actions more understandable, especially Marco and Ashford.

In the books Ashford was simply a fascist asshole, just like Singh, Murthy, etc. The plots are usually carried by the bad guys being morons while the good guys stand around saying: "well what the fuck did you think was going to happen?" Especially in Tiamat's Wrath and the antagonists response to it.

I would have loved to have seen how they handled all that in the TV show.

I know he meant "there's only a few", but he said "very little" which actually implies the size of the people not the quantity.

Let me try to restate your comment: "women shouldn't be seen as non feminist even if they don't act or adhere to feminist beliefs."

It's like if I said: I'm a republican, but I believe in Democratic socialism and have never voted for a republican.

If the assertion is incorrect, the conclusion is incorrect.

Feminism is primarily about equality between genders. The ability to make choices is a part of this, but making choices that create inequalities or prevent other women from making choices is necessarily anti feminism.

"if fantasticly crazy possible thing x happened, could fantasticly crazy possible thing y happen?"

Sure, why not?