So everybody have their own take on this, I know, but currently all the recommendations, i've not fully been convinced without making small changes.

So why not make Amulets 2x aspects and rings 1.5x, and make all weapons 1x no matter if they are 1h or 2h. And make sorc/necro/druid all be able to equip focus/shield/totem along with a 1h/2h. That way you still keep the class fantasy by making barbs have 2 extra aspects slots but not be ridicilous over the top and since everyone uses amu/ring it would balance it more across the board.

Also it would make shield/focus/totem more relevant with the upcoming changes in s5 for more types to be equipped. And make archetypes more in line with what you need. Like if you really need cdr you can choose a focus or if you need more defense you can choose a shield and still be able to use a wand/staff etc depending on what the build requires.