Cats amazing me, how do they sleep like this?!

The real question is, how do I get comment karma so I can live stream my kittens??

Cute! They all look the same - how do you tell them apart?

She’s so cute, she reminds me a lot of my childhood dog of 16 years. Thanks for the reminder

Would redo my broken bathroom which definitely needs to be done but just haven’t had the money to do it

I reckon my mum could always tell when I ‘missed out’ parts of my stories

That’s so cute! Maybe I should do this with my fosters too

That does not look comfortable haha. I wonder why they love boxes so much?

In my city we have an anti-Valentine’s day event where anyone can come in and smash cars with baseball bats, do archery and ball dunk tank a hot shirtless guy. Staff walk around with a metre ruler keeping people 1m away from each other and any PDA gets told off lol.

Very Gen Z of me, but my cell phone. Feels weird not to have it.