35 F | 5’ 5” | SW 233 | CW 229 | GW 160 and then I’ll evaluate

This page and your experiences have been really helpful as I started having the conversation with my doctor and started on phentermine last Friday, so I wanted to share my own as I go along.

I stared on 5/10 with a 15mg dose and up it to 30mg yesterday after a week. Fortunately, my side effects have been really minimal along the way but I definitely noticed the difference increase yesterday. Primarily dry mouth, a little nausea right after taking the pills, and sweating. Oh my gosh, my armpits are so sweaty just sitting doing nothing.

It has been easier the last week to stay within a calorie deficit and not being thinking of food all day long.

Because of my insurance, I don’t know if I will be able to get another prescription after the first 3 months. I am really focusing on building habits and being consistent for the duration so that if 3 months is all I have, I can confidently proceed without it.