Sleeper account

I feel attachment and loyalty. I would fight before I give up on it

39 years old, not close to retired, love feeing nostalgia in a time I’m hearing for the first time! Thanks for sharing

12 team keeper, have Pitts, Ferguson, and Jonnu smith for TEs worth mentioning. Would like some more depth at WR. Offered Dotson for Ferguson straight up. Thoughts?

A buddy and I were out fishing and little did we know, when the wind picked up a bit, it ignited some pine needles that must have been smouldering in the rocks around the fire pit. It ignited the pine needles and spread across the campsite. When my buddy spotted some smoke we were about a 15 minute paddle away. We high tailed it back to the site and by that time the fire hit our tents. 30 ft flames, up in the pine trees.. we ran onto the site, cut the fire off by smashing our paddles on it. Our tents and food were completely gone and most of our gear. But, after 30 minutes of tossing a steady splash of water from a few semi-charred pots and pans, we got it out and prevented a full on forest fire.

Years and years of affirmations, positive self talk and learning from mistakes.

Here is an anecdote, I chug back a litre of coffee in the morning, first thing, and feel fantastic 79% of the day. The rest of the time, I just wish I had another litre of coffee

Jason Allison had absolutely filthy mitts but could not skate to save his life

You need a cohabitation agreement. This will define what happens in the event you separate. Some options, (1) house sells, expenses paid, mortgage is paid off, mom is paid $100k, rest is divided equally. (2) he pays you what you put in dollar for dollar. (3) house is appraised, deduct mortgage plus $100k and he buys you out.

My advice, get a family lawyer to draft this for you and don’t sleep on it. Do it now.

It seems like you have your answer

I would consider what else you’re going to get for that value. Also, If you lease a new vehicle, what will your payments be? Will that new payment cause you issues? Then check and see if you can purchase an extended warranty

Assuming he has a will and that he and your mother have already divided their matrimonial assets with order or agreement. It is likely that when he passes, the executor of the Estate will have to complete a certificate of appointment of Estate Trustee with a will to be able to sell the house. When doing so, an ~ 1.5% tax on of the estate value called estate administration tax will have to be paid in addition to the lawyers retainer (~$3000). It doesn’t seem like you’ll be able to inherit the house but the residue can be left to you (assuming that’s your father’s wish). The EAT and retainer funds being made available upon his death would make the process much easier. This can be done by adding you onto a joint account.

What about RRSP/RRIF, TFSA and unregistered accounts?

Do you think your ego may be an issue? I don’t support a political party .. but you call supporters of PP stupid, because you of course don’t like him. Isn’t that your ego, as you can not departs your political views from another’s experience? Maybe, you’re both wrong

Apply to CNL chalk river and buy a home using the County of Renfrew first time home buyers program for a (up to) $25000 down payment (secured for 20 years) to purchase the home