Oh she did. this is what she decided was the best.

If i was on that boat id smack her and yell NO

she doesn’t pull it down on her head properly. probably because she thinks her face should show more 🤣

Yeah it’s hard to come up with fake enthusiasm when the DIL sucks. Trust me, i’m there right now haha

The OP didn’t say it’s a dig, and i’m looking for it, too. Clue us in.

I see two possible digs. 1) celebrating her 1st birthday separately from the turtles because they don’t want to be near them or weren’t invited🥲.

2) Ppsting they got the doll from france because she wants to point out they also have money after Tiffany outed them for having a “ 1/8th ownership” of their vacation home.

i sure as hell hope they weren’t outside filing and leaving her alone in there. I wouldn’t be surprised though.

Those are all great but if you’re not doing things in your daily life it’s not gonna help. Good diet, Exercise, enough sleep, no sugar, take vitamins, etc. I always got sick traveling too until I really looked at my overall health

New member!

CUTEEEE! But not those shoes. This needs a strappy open toe shoe maybe with some sparkle. Your arms don’t look big at all.

All sorts of them. Door to door sales, utility workers, construction, any kind of contractor working on a project really …

This bread ruins anything you put on it. It overpowers the flavor with an icky sweet flavor. I don’t want a sweet bun for my burger or sandwich. I tried them by themselves with butter. Still a no.

Right? so when i saw Adam pulling it i thought he did from the middle to shore. Not that pulling a boat any length of time is easy , but it’s a huge difference! she’s a pathological liar

My DIL does the thing where she puts her tongue behind her teeth but it’s poking through. It’s like she read somewhere to do it, and started and can’t stop. it ruins every picture 😭

I did try the ho hos and they were decent but I didn’t think they were the same. The “hostess” style cupcakes also good but not the same😭

But a decent replacement!