We control our bodies? My ex complained and begged until I gave in. Then he got rough. When I asked him to stop, he just covered my mouth and did what he wanted. Was that not rape??

I totally agree that the kid is NOT to be blamed. The mother is to blame for the affair and the divorce. But the dad is completely wrong for telling his little girl to keep the gift. He's being petty. He doesn't know what his ex wife told her to make her keep the secret!! He is totally Tah in this situation. The fact that he knows he made her cry and didn't go comfort her makes it even worse.

I was with my ex almost 13 years. We got engaged within the first year, just never progressed further. He was lazy, abusive and rude. I finally got help getting out and I'm now happily married 5 years later. My husband and I got together in 2020 and have been married just over 2 months. It's been the best 4 years of my life!!

Same with us. But we'd also start a cat rescue. Around here, people are cruel to animals, especially cats. We'd take them in, no questions. But people can adopt them for free, as long as they pass a background check. That's something we're both passionate about. We love animals. Which is why we have 8.

Right?? I don't understand how she could be so defensive, as if she did the bet all on her own. Even if I win on the lottery scratchers we occasionally buy, my husband gets at least half. Hell, I usually use my "allowance" on him because he makes sure I have everything I need and most of my wants!! He even buys cute outfits just because he wants to make me smile. Idk how she can be this selfish towards someone she supposedly cares about!!

No, NTAH. I even shared my lottery winnings with my hubby (fiance at the time) just because. I share everything with him. Even candy he buys especially because it's MY favorite is shared with him. I think she's selfish by not, at least, giving back the money you put in. I'd have done that even for my brothers or someone else. It's just the way I am. I never like keeping everything to myself.

I'm in my 40s. They put a lot of garbage in our food now. Which is why we try to eat less manufactured, processed foods. We like to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. It gets expensive, but it's better for us. We also have a small garden. Our friend/neighbor has chickens and gives us fresh eggs. Now, if only we liked goat milk, she'd set us up there. LOL

I'm so pale I am only off-white and I'm darker than I was at the beginning of spring. 😂😂 But I'm also a redhead with a little bit of freckles. When I was a kid/teen, I coud tan up to a beautiful olive complexion. Now, I burn. But I'm also on several different medications. That affects the way your skin reacts to sun.

In her case, she was a spoiled rotten only child. My husband used to work in the oilfield and made awesome money. But they had nothing to show for it because she wasted money. We've been married just over 2 months (been together almost 5 years) and already bought a house. We own 2 vehicles and some nice things. But neither of us feels like we're missing out on anything just because we don't go out and blow money all the time. We're content with what we have, even though hubby keeps getting better and better job offers. I keep reminding him I didn't fall in love with his wallet. LOL He's truly my best friend and favorite person in the world.

Your situation sounds like my husband and his ex wife. She was pure evil. Even her kids hate her! One told me he prefers me because I don't steal from them. Like wtf?? She'd steal anything from them, pawn or sell it and go to the casino. 🤬🤬 She even sold a car my hubby had bought for himself. But she was broke and "had a feeling" she'd win. She didn't. She'd even use their bill money to gamble. And cooking/housework was left for him, after working 50+ hours a week!!

Until 10th grade, I didn't date. My BFF didn't date until after we graduated. Idiots at school would call us gay quite often. I was embarrassed because I knew I was bi. But also because it wasn't fair to judge us just because we didn't like the boys at our school. I didn't date anyone from my hometown until after graduation, and that was a mistake. I should have stuck with telling them all to take a hike. 😂😂 Now, I'm happily married to my husband, with "permission" to date women. Since being with him, I've had no desire to. If that ever changes, I've got his support. Also, just because I was attracted to girls didn't mean I was attracted to my BFF, who is like a sister to me.

I was like that. I liked boys and girls as a teen. But it wasn't even as accepted as it is now. I had to sneak to date the girls. I could probably have been a hoe with boys and it would have been more acceptable to others. It's stupid, really. Sexuality shouldn't be judged, especially since it doesn't affect anyone not in the relationship.

I wish melatonin did that for my insomnia! I wouldn't need the TV for long and enjoy sleep more!! I have several health issues that make falling asleep difficult, at best.

Thank you!! I read that last (negative) comment to my hubby and he didn't like it. He knows I'm trying to compromise with him. Like right now; TV is low enough to not bother him, but I can still get the gist of what's said, even when I can't hear every word.

Thank you! I'm going to check out all the suggestions and find what works for me/us!!

I'll look into that!! We have a brand new 70inch TV and a new smaller one in the bedroom. I'd be able to go to sleep even with headphones or earbuds!!

Except I'm legally blind without my glasses so I wouldn't know what they were saying. 😂😂

Right? My husband can't sleep if I'm not in the bed/room with him. Even when we decide to nap, he wants to cuddle with me. I couldn't imagine having a partner with so little respect for me that they even considered making me go somewhere that's uncomfortable for me! Hell, my hubby doesn't like the volume on the TV to be audible but he still won't ask me to turn it off or sleep elsewhere because he loves and respects me. I move to a volume level I can barely hear so that he's able to sleep. I can't sleep without the TV. He knows that. It's a security issue for me so he's willing to work on sleeping with the volume loud enough to hear it. Because we love and respect each other.

I'm sorry you have doubters. I know it's true. I've also seen my other grandma and I was wide awake.

My grandma said she'd leave dimes for us. Whenever I find a dime in a random place, it always makes me smile.

I currently live in a house that's "haunted" as well. It's not the first time I've done that. But this house is haunted by an old lady, an old man and a few cats. We know 2 of the cats. We've never seen the gray cat that lives here. He walks through doors and walls. The other 2 lived here with us. We're not sure who the old people are. But no one is negative energy, so we're cool with them being here. The other day, while I was packing, I heard the old lady speak for the first time. We've been here almost 4 years!! I was talking to someone else and mentioned moving. The lady sounded a little disappointed & said, "Well, okay then."

My baby brother would tell us stories about his past life. He told us that he was an "Awmy man" and died in Vietnam. He was 3 or 4 when he started telling these stories. He had different weapons and vehicles that he named, correctly. I didn't know most of what he described. At one point, he gave his name and rank. We did some research and discovered that someone by that name DID die in Vietnam. Freaked us out!!