Taliban videos and ideology would technically also be considered right wing media just a different religion. Religious fundamentalism is inherently right wing and about conserving the status quo.

You notice how far right wingers in America want to get rid of divorce and minimum age of marriage, dress differently, serve man etc it’s the same conservative ideology with a different Abrahamic religion. If some conservative men could ban women from driving and voting like in Saudi Arabia they would and to be honest they’re probably a bit jealous lol.

There’s definitely been a couple of links between terror attacks/family annihilater’s and posting on incel forums, 4chan and Reddit and liking Tucker and Tim Pool.

I don’t listen to these guys so I don’t know everything they talk about, but I think a lot of it is about alpha male and toxic masculinity. There’s also been a few cases where we knew of the Reddit account for a few minutes or hours before Reddit deleted their comments and posts and they were the average Tim Pool/conservative/conspiracy poster with an extra serving of paranoia.

It’s frustrating the media doesn’t get into the materials that radicalized these guys to kill their dad or shoot up a grocery store when they literally left a manifesto talking about Tucker Carlson and I think Tim Pool too.

So their great replacement and incel culture has already led to terror attacks that get written off as lone wolf attacks, when they were actually radicalized by well known right wing personalities and conspiracies. The victims families should be suing the people listed in the manifesto to at least bring it to light that these people incite terror in mentally unstable individuals.

But the bigger threat is right wing terror from maga just check out the terrorism statistics in the U.S. since 2015. So it’s kind of pointless racism because the bigger threat is maga white nationalists not Muslim terrorists.

I know it’s popular in the European subs to scream religion of peace for every Muslim example of terror and that they obviously have some crazy religious fundamentalists but what do you think some of these American Christian fundamentalists are doing? it’s the same thing dude. I’m guessing 10-20% of most religions are violent fundamentalists so given a choice give me the Muslim ones because there’s millions less of them in America. Conservatives want biblical laws like sharia law too just a different type of biblical law…

I was just thinking as soon as I saw this many people chasing and getting pictures I could now just Google images and video of this exact moment since 20 people will upload it to social media lol. Let other people document your memories and just download the file if you want it from their Instagram:)

People really do miss real life moments when they are this focused on framing and recording something and not living in the moment. People only often get one chance to live in a moment, and rewatching a video of it isn’t always quite the same to me as the memory of being there.

Don’t forget the wear and tear on people’s bodies from 40 hours of physical labor for 25-35 years. I’m going on my fourth back surgery from heavy repetitive lifting my whole working life and I wish I’d known the damage I was doing at the time.

Monkey in Space

You don’t even live in America why are you posting about their candidates lol, foreign troll much

He also has seagulls in his pool a lot of the time and those birds will absolutely enter a house for food or because they’re being harassed by it yet seagulls and want to eat in peace. So to me as soon as he said seagulls I was like case closed.

More like Russians haven’t been producing new conspiracy theories for them like they did in 2016 and 2020 for some reason, so they have to recycle the last one they have lol.

It also keeps people being blackmailed in line, for example if a certain country had incriminating evidence on Trump, it would make sense to promote things like pizzagate to keep him in line and constantly remind him of the blackmail.

So many of the most ardent Trump supporters are creepy and definitely have sketchy blackmail material on them… like Lindsay Graham and his male escorts, Matt Gaetz just being a proven pedo, Giuliani trying to get handjobs from underage girls on video when Sacha Baron was filming, Trump campaign people and gop getting arrested for being pedos weekly etc.

That’s actually one reason my next vehicle will probably be a small RV or campervan because they offer really long financing terms so it would be something I can afford easier.

Or stop driving cars or flying on planes since they like to pick and choose which science to believe. You’re right though these people are the first people at the ER after claiming to have divine immune systems and requesting a retroactive vaccine, because they never actually understood how vaccines work despite claiming to do their own research lol. They’re also the same people that rail against socialism and universal healthcare while accepting Medicare and social security.

Have you ever heard the phrase “a hole is a hole”? I’m not necessarily saying just ram it in a random guys ass like many posters here would suggest, but we also can’t let perfection be the enemy of progress and probably shouldn’t be turning down too many 6’s.

It might be good to make another post on here or a different cat sub asking for foster help with her with your rough location, mostly because there’s a lot of cat lovers on here that don’t use FB. If you are in the SF Bay Area I might know someone that can take her in, you aren’t from that area by chance are you?

A friend of mine actually got mad at me the other day because I’m always saying how celebrities they like are terrible people lol. They were talking about Mark Wahlberg and I mentioned how he’s notorious for being a violent racist beating up black or Asian kids maybe both, and my friend got mad at me lol. Some people just want to live in ignorance and bliss and don’t want to hear bad things about celebrities they like.

Sativa and Indica also affect people with ADHD differently and it’s often hard to find a pure Sativa or Indica strain to test this hypothesis or for people to see what works for them if they want to smoke.

There’s a couple of brands that have pure Sativa and Indica strains but it’s a pricey test lol, like Alien Labs has a couple that aren’t a Sativa/indica hybrid. “BK Satellite” is straight jack herer type sativa with no indica in it and it seems to spin some people out when they smoke it where they start talking fast and sometimes being paranoid. This weed does just get you really high lol.

They also have a pure indica strain “Y2K” so I think people should do a test and see what’s best for them. Personally sativa seems like it would cause anxiety in some people whereas the Y2K or a pure indica would probably just make them hungry, happy and tired lol. If you’re using it as medicine it might get difficult to smoke indica in the morning but I do think some people manage ADHD and add with weed and prefer that to taking a prescription drug.

If you look at lower levels of soccer and baseball these guys are making way less than 65k, so although 65k isn’t great it’s not that bad either considering it’s not the top echelon basketball league, and she’s at least getting a living wage in some areas.

Minor league players just signed an agreement making the minimum salary 27k instead of 11k per year and the max is now 35k, so most players in the minor leagues are poor and probably below the poverty line unless they make it to the big leagues. And that’s after historic negotiations to get the minimum bumped to 27k, so it’s not like pro athletes are getting living wages either and it’s not just regular workers.

I wonder if the wnba considered a clause where players who signed advertising sponsorship contracts while playing for a team had to share 10-20% of the money with teammates or the league, because technically without the rest of the players she couldn’t sign that big contract. I don’t necessarily think this is a good idea and seems bad actually, but I was trying to think of a way to lower the disparity of one player being broke, and another being super rich because it probably does get awkward when you pull up in a lambo and your teammates are carpooling in a Honda lol.

Can you link some examples because that sounds like hyperbole to me lol. I feel like it would be a big story if wnba players were just saying openly racist things.

Right on 👍🤜🤛👍✊👈👉👌Reddit on brother!

I’m be surprised if some teams don’t open and close different doors to change wind patterns in a ballpark. I remember seeing games at candlestick park and the wind would be channeled through some areas making the wind even stronger and it was already a howling strong wind off the bay on some nights, so if they opened and closed different stadium doors they could probably increase the wind blowing out to right or left field and give the home team a few extra feet on a fly ball lol. Or let the wind blow in from right and hurt the opposing batters etc.

It’s funny too because democrats and the non maga republicans talk about drafting bills to release or investigate this stuff, and for more transparency; but the maga candidates always scream that they want all top secret military secrets revealed, because most of them work for Putin or just don’t understand how the military and security world works, like the big butch maga lady.

So they’re like “release everything even the top secret military documents!” and their colleagues are looking at them like bruh are you this dumb, or just traitorous lol.

In fact they actually make it less likely anything will happen because they demand unrealistic releases of information and don’t want to compromise, because if they compromised and actually drafted some bills with the democrats and republicans they can’t keep using it as a distraction issue anymore and scream about government censorship.

When I lived in Vegas for a while and would drive north in the state I’d occasionally see triangular planes before they were public, and it’s not unbelievable the U.S. would have some planes that look and fly like UFOs, so it puts them in a bad spot because they don’t want to release info on their next stealth plane to appease some maga politicians distracting from sending money to underage kids for sex.

Why are you hanging out on a far right wing Russian troll sub lol? I’m sure the comments on that post are extremely rational and not racist or great replacement theory related lol.

That sub must be having some serious whiplash trying to navigate the Israel and Palestine issue because they hate Jews and brown people lol.

Dumb owners traumatizing their cat for social media no doubt lol. Like maybe pick the cat up if you really need to take public transport with a leashed cat for some reason.

It’s like 1/3 of animal posts on Reddit lately are distressed animals that people think are acting funny.

We’ve got people adopting baby animals for content then dumping the animals when they aren’t cute enough anymore like they often do with monkeys and kittens. Like if someone is getting millions of views of their baby monkey in diapers you can almost count on that person getting a new baby monkey as soon as views start to drop because it’s their income stream and profession to post stressed out cute animals.

Think how Fox News this guy must watch to think this guy is a drug mule lol

Yep I have a 180hp 4.6 in a Lincoln lol. It’s slow but the transmission gearing is really strong and has that old cop car whine, so it accelerates from 0-30mph surprisingly fast, then the engine really has to take over and it’s slow until it hits 70mph. From 70-120 it has really good power too I guess that’s the 3rd gear or overdrive gear hitting its power-band. But between 30-70mph it’s just dragging weight around.