Assault Riders for KH2

The Big belly boys in Re:CoM. Hate wasting a good card on their tummies.

Not heartless but the big beetle tentacle unversed in Monstropolis for KH3

As a child Wight Knights (the mummy?) jumping around messed me up in KH1

The plants in base CoM. Idr why I just remember hating them, I think they could snipe you across the screen with their roots.

It’s not their first time on Try Not to Laugh, the first time we got Big Bird being in the Challenger Explosion.

Sora getting reset every game but not Roxas despite being part of Sora is for some reason hilarious to me

Weeble Wobbles wobble but they don’t fall down

Feather! There’s to many natures for the mint to be consistently useful since it’s so limited

Probably not my cup o’ tea but I’ll try it out. Or at least watch the episodes with my favorite guests.

Like how I was never able to get into V.I.P (I tried!) but I still enjoyed Iffy and Brennan’s episodes

This guy is just doing to MatPats video what Sam Reich did to Whose Line is it Anyway

Not anymore but for a long time I pronounced Suicune like Suicide but with a N instead of a D

Pixel Wrecking Ball

Cabana 🌴 just something about antinading and sleeping people while on vacation

Would play really well into the replicas plot line and would match up with other worlds reasons for being part of the story like Toy Story, Big Hero 6, Pinocchio. Things that shouldn’t have hearts, having hearts.

A flowering plant that literally punches you. Idk how you get more flower power than that.

Pixel Wrecking Ball

So if I wanna get better at overwatch I should become a professional athlete

It’s a different vibe for sure but it’s not the problem. I personally blame the AP.

Giantslayer was a dramady, we had jokes and japes juxtaposed to character moments and lore drops, people being story relevant

Gatewalkers is a comedy. Longer bants, more jokes, the characters already “know” eachother so we never get real character introductions so nobody (audience included) gets to really know anybody. That and the plot moves along with or without them makes it harder to care and easier to joke hence: comedy