We do them as newborns, before even leaving the hospital. I still only have two because I'm a scaredy cat. I've always been very grateful it was done before I was old enough to say no.๐Ÿ˜‚

Yeah in my culture we all get them done as babies and there's very rarely any issues.

It certainly paints a picture, though maybe not the one you're trying to convey.

Gifts don't make children poorly behaved, and taking away material things doesn't address poor behaviour. You're conflating two different aspects of parenting. And you're not taking responsibility for your half of the parenting.

That's bizarre, because I've lived in several countries and have known many people who were IUD babies. Also know more than a couple of adults who fell pregnant on IUD's (not ectopic).

To be fair, IUD's don't cause ectopic pregnancies. They just don't prevent them as effectively as they prevent intrauterine pregnancies.

I think it's because you're so set on abortion being the only option. Everyone knows an IUD baby. I am one, my brother is one (there must've been a faulty batch in the 80's, because there are so many of us). The link you provided details the steps a doctor would take to remove the IUD in case of accidental pregnancy.

The IUD would be removed. It wouldn't get a chance to cause scarring.

Agreed. Imagine bringing up spontaneous shopping trips on a discussion about a married couple with two children ๐Ÿฅด

I will never forget that recording. The mothers pleading to him to spare the children, trying to convince him, just broke my heart.

Oh I missed that!. Tbh it was just two seconds of swiping through your active communities list. I promise I have no idea who you really are ๐Ÿ˜…

ADHD-C (Combined type)

Same. Task initiation is an executive function.

Did you return to the same house you lived in before going to Europe? Because if there's mould in it you're more likely to react to it than other people. I was a different person just 2 days after moving out of my last house.

I was going to say, my answer to OP will be very different if she's in the USA vs. another country. I'm so sorry for your loss.

ETA: I just looked at your profile wondering if you were in Australia... And it looks like we live in the same city!

This is a good perspective too. Our new neighbour was a DV victim and lost custody of her children partly because of it. She has PTSD from it, so I try to avoid being outside or having the windows open when my toddler is having a meltdown.

Maybe her feelings hurt ๐Ÿ˜‚

Yes toddlers have tantrums, but toddlers also get abused. If they don't know each other well, I can understand the neighbour wanting to be safe rather than sorry.

Yes, this. A child screaming and not adult voices heard, or speaking too quietly/sparingly to be heard? My ears would perk up.

Not average as in, most people don't come post BS on Reddit and then spend hours defending it with "I didn't lie! Honest! No I won't post any details."

Sniffing his foot and making a big fuss about it being smelly.

That sub is mostly populated by a particular demographic... It's not just the NDIS; all their views are depressing.

To be clear, this was a time/town where the only chips one could eat were homemade. My mum made them from scratch a few times a week and I didn't know there was any other way.

To add: Canberra is probably the least religious city in Australia, and it's still more religious compared to the UK. I moved to Perth and it's even more religious here. I don't know what cities OP has been to.

Have you lived in the other countries mentioned? Because unless you have, it's hard to see the comparison.