If anything that is an anomaly and not natural. And we as humans should preserve as many species as we can as we never know when they might be useful. This stoat is basically how Dodos went extinct, predators were introduced to the island even if by humans and they went extinct.

1st point. Meh, i don't think it makes sense as the Ghost was a pretty significant part of her story so nothing at all would be too off.

2nd point. No, it spoils the first game and it would make TC have to make very convoluted stuff and possibly force you to do mutiple playthroughs and is overall a too divergent path as an ending with Radiance alive and another with Radiance dead leads to very, very different outcomes and I don't think this is their vision.

3rd point. This makes sense. It could be told en passant or in dialogues by people who never went there but only heard rumors.

Last point. One thing for sure is that Hornet is not sealed in there. So either the knight sealed Radiance or he killed radiance or even more, he killed Abs Radiance. This makes it so that Hornet can go about her business. Remember that, when the knight killed abs rad, this would make it so that PV is still alive and met Hornet. So whatever they will do with that.

You misread. I said that the guy made the hole and then shoved the bird in, not that he made the hole using the bird because it would kill it.

I have simply seen too many videos where it is obviously staged for clicks. An example I saw was someone tied the hand of a baby monkey inside a bamboo so that his hand seems stuck inside the noticeably way larger than it's entire arm bamboo and the guy took like a whole 10 mins hitting the bamboo with a stick for some reason which achieves literally nothing while the monkey is silently watching confused af. Of course they didn't pan the camera inside the bamboo at all but damn was is infuriating to watch.

You can't condemn them all for being A holes but you can't naively think that everything you see is good either.

The hole was probably made by the guy as just shoving the bird straight up in the tree would need quite some force that would most definetely crush the bird's head.

And then after the hole was made would he shove the beak in there and get it stuck. Very unlikely for the tree to naturally have holes this deep or cause by bugs and even then, birds would not beakdive into holes like that but hover and nab it swiftly.

It's nice to be hopeful but pieces of shits exists across the world who put animals in made up situations for views and deserve to brun in hell.

I actually had a close call with that one. I killed him during a summon Snake attack and he died, I thought it was over but the snake attack still went through like 1 second after I landed my hit and I was still in the end lag and it killed me. Right before the blackscreen I got his rememberance though but I guess that if he had killed me sooner that I would not have gotten it.

Op said to provide housing for cheaper. Not free. They still pay for it but less. However Housing is only one of the many factors as to why the population is ageing even if it is a decently big one.

Short answer Yes.

Long answer YESSSSSSSS

I bought an electric razor just for this so I wouldn't know about a normal one but always do it after a shower.

Like some others said, Put it over a fire on low, but also, every so often, attempt to seperate it with a towel to not burn your hands. This makes it so that it does not shotgun out when you do it as it slowly gets looser.

Ok so let me do a small breakdown.

No. Of attacks dodged that was directed at you: 2.5

No. Of times you staggered her preventing her from moving: at least 10 hits in tandem with mimic.

An incredibly quick kill in both phases.

Approx ratio she was locked onto your mimic to locked to you: 7:3 (she does not react to attacks she is not locked on except projectiles and ashes of war usually)

Imo I would say a kill is a kill. Personally I wouldn't summon but play how you wanna play.

Ok so here is the gist of it. Random fetch quest is present in pretty much all the games BUT BN4 is the one it is the most obnoxiously prominent in. Bn4 will throw you 80% fetch quests and 20% actual stuff while the rest of them usually has like 30 - 40% fetch quest and 70% actual stuff happening.

Have a go at 3 or 6 if you don't really mind the plot continuation albeit there not being that much continuity, they are my 2 favourites.

And BN1 has confusing net so just remember that you can walk around warp points in that one.

I was more saying that Pros do it because they know what they are doing while my teammates are not Pros and don't know what they are doing most of the time.

Everything that is Brawl ball and that one bounty map with a river along the middle.

Bass from 1 and 2 has to be the weakest basses imo. And bass from 3 would be the hardest if not for area grab cheeses else bass from 6 is the strongest purely because of his Buster rake.

I love this cinammon roll. A fine addition to the wholesome ones.

The other guy about the codes is right BUT still use chips you like that do damage no matter the code. Like navi chips and stronger chips.

Missables are any blue mystery data but they don't despawn so explore every corner and jack into everything you can. And finally, try every single chip you find. A lot of them don't explain much but when you use them, you might like them.