Easy way to cool down is to have a tub of cool water under your desk to put your feet in (if you work from home).

A cool shower in the evening really helps, especially if you do not completely dry yourself with a towel.

When I still lived in a country that got over 100° f I used to sometimes sleep with a moist towel as a blanket. (My room was in the attic and there was no ac).

If you are in danger of heatstroke, a moist or wet water around the head helps to rapidly cool you down.

A cotton sheet/ towel or even a sock can help soak up extra moisture to prevent sweat rashes in skin folds (underbelly fold or under boobs)

In general is cotton or linen clothing your friend. Especially when it comes to underwear.

When I saw her in concert I could see fans send light signals. From her position she is probably in a better postion to see those than the stadium staff

I got mine when we entered. It is indeed the band for the light

It's the strap for the light up bracelet!

I'm hoping for the Tortured Poets department since Dylan Thomas is Welsh

You can try slightly squished rings! So ones that are more oval than round. They have a harder time sliding over your knuckles, but the softer parts of your finger should squish through, so they would fit.

Take a deep breath, it's going to be okay. Take it from someone who was over 300 pound in Europe. The first thing is to focus on your eating disorder recovery. Do not do anything that could jeopardise this. No trip is worth it.

For shoes, I got a pair of walking boots from Timberland two years ago and they are still holding up with me walking 15k steps a day. Walking sticks might also help, so your weight is not all on your legs and it helps with stability.

You might want to get a seatbelt extender for the flight. You might not need it, but I used to be super nervous about the prospect of having to ask for one. Just having one with me helps me a lot.

Train seats should fit you just fine. In England I sometimes struggled a tiny bit with window table seat, but I never had that problem in mainland Europe.

I would also recommend talking to your husband. He knows your weight, your average mobility and your recovery. If he is worth anything he will reassure you. He chose you as his life partner and he will nlt be embarrassed.

Treat your eating disorder as what it is, a disability. Nothing to be ashamed of. You wouldn't think someone should be embarrassed for having to use a wheelchair and not being able to do 20k hikes. Some days you might not be able to do everything and that's okay.

They look great! These are some of my results. Thank you so much for your help and dedication, to not only comment, but find 2 different recipes and then try them yourself!


Thank you! I just tried the recipe posted in the other comment. It has more gelatin and glycerin in it. It's also a bit thicker.

Thank you, I just tried this one and it really seems to work. Or it seems to be much more durable at least.

I would try to spin your previous experience in education as a lesson learnt and experience gained.

Thank you for your quick reply, I'll look into mineral oil!

I have lived in the UK for 5 years now and there are many things I like better here.

There is way less bureaucracy with most things.

The Gov.uk website is amazing and I love that I can do so many things online. Digitalisation in getmany is 20 years behind the rest of the western world.

The Tax system is way nicer.

While the education system is not perfect, the disability support is amazing.

People are a bit politer and less openly judgmental. In Germany you get stared at the moment you are not within what is considerned 'the norm' I notice it every time I go back.

Talking about 'the norm', the UK has a lot more individuality when it comes to clothes and expressing themselves. Maybe the last two points go together and one is causing the other. At my last job in Germany one lf my coworkers conctanly got shit talked because she dared to have colourful eyeshadow.

That said, I will move back to Germany in a few years, because some of the things that are worse here are unacceptable, like the state of the NHS and how the housing is both super expensive and low quality at the same time.

Something like Skyr could also be an alternative to yogurt, since it's naturally low in fat.

Sorry I didn't answer sooner!! If you Google hunger scale you will find lots of depictions of it. 1 is practically starving and desperate to eat. 10 is so full that it is painful. I try to stay between 3 - very hungry and 6 - mildly full with do discomfort. I did a week of just observing, without judgement, where on the scale I was before and after meals. Very often I went to 7, which is the feeling of you were full, but ate a few extra bites because it was tasty.

This really helps to figure out your reasons for eating and to assess how and when you are overeating.

Also, congratulations on 60 pounds!!!

I'm living in the UK I had a C2 certification before moving here.

Of course I had English classes in school but I also engaged a lot with English media online and talked to native English speakers for years.

I could not imagine moving somewhere where I do not have a good understanding of the language. Even with my level of English, there were many things I did not understand/ had to learn.

101 days of weight loss, 20Kg (44 Pound) down!Winning

I started my journey back in Feburary after noticing that my weight went up.. again. My start weight was 137.5 Kg (303 pound) at 1.55m (about 5 foot). I was lucky to get into a weight loss program through my insurance and I got myself a few weeks of therapy to start with as I have a history with bullemia and I did not want to fall back into that.

The program is mostly about fixing your relatioship with food and exercise. For example, a big help were hunger scales with descriptors of each number (I.e. 1 stands for you are starving vs 10 means you are so full you can't move). This taught me, through some trial and error, how to actually listen to my body. I also learnt how to construct a healthy meal, how to mealplan and make it fit to my schedule ect. I have had some meals from takeaways/ reestaurants, but those were planned beforehand and I looked up the places beforehand and constructed healthy (ish) meals. I do not count calories.

I do exercise. Once a week I go to a Tai Chi class, I try to use my elliptical 3 times a week for 50minutes (although I often only do this twice a week), I am starting to implement body weight exercises and the main thing that I walk a lot. I average between 13,000 and 15,000 steps a day.

An important lesson for me was to learn what pain can be ignored and what has to be taken seriously. Ankle pain was constant in the first 2 monthsand I learnt to push through. Now they only hurt when I walk more than 17,000 steps. But I did have a problem with a tendon at some point and luckily a more experienced friend told me to take that serious before anything bigger developed.

Here is a graph of my weight loss. It really shows that it is not linear and that is okay. https://imgur.com/a/RgEBJzG

Growing up I heard rumors about people recieving one, but I have never actually seen one. Like there was a story of a girl getting a small evergreen tree with tampons on it because she was a cheater. No idea if the stories were true. I think it would be hard to find pictures because even if it really happened everyone would remove such a tree immediately. You would really have to hate someone with passion to go out of your way to get a tree, decorate and then risk being caught putting it up, just so the person sees it in the morning and gets rid of it immediately. I have never heard about mattresses on roofs.

When I still had mine I did not feel it at all. I had to regulalry check that it was still in place.

I think, I only noticed it for the first week or so, while it was still healing. Did you have yours for long?

Do Americans count "hell" and "damn" as an swearing?

Wait, does Sugar impact periods? I noticed that in the past few months my period was waaay shorter and lighter, but I thought it was maybe because I was also losing weight and on a calorie deficit.

As a German foreigner in another country, I get asked this question too. In fact, quite often. So I don't think it's unique to Germany.