Agreed. I read that reply as 'You get one shot at life and I'm going to make damn sure I act like the biggest arsehole imaginable'.

Someone should print their own with stuff like:

I hope you get bowel cancer I wouldn't ride you into battle Your mother should have swallowed you You've a face like a dog licking piss off a nettle I hope your next shite is a hedgehog Your corporate speak makes me want to stab you in the throat

Which would make the driver a bit of a prick too, but just wave to apologise and fuck off the road if you didn't notice the bus.

Scrolled way too far to find this. Absolutely incredible game.

My mate and I used to rip the piss out of that something terrible when we were wee. Ah, good times.

My name is Richard, and I don't hate HR for the sake of it. I hate them because they're all ✨cunts✨

Because I deserve to be.

I'm not, I just don't let them out of the basement.

Settle down, it's only been 2 days since I ate the last one.

The sex is so much better with the dog.

I can't afford Chloroform or Rohypnol until I'm paid.

If it's any consolation, the soup will be the least of your worries after that incoming Parkinsons diagnosis hits

Aye, I can't get into them either.

I'm liking the sound of this more and more. Time to part with money, I think...

In fairness, if I saw a boaby on the ballot I'd assume it was a Tory as well

Ooh, I'm intrigued! The accents were my biggest worry, which sounds daft, but it would break the immersion a lot for me if I had to listen to people attempting horrendous Scottish accents.

Well this is a plot twist; more Bucky might have saved our EU membership...

I meant on TV (it's just not the same), but I realise I didn't say that, and made myself look even more of a donkey than I usually do.