Never offer an explanation as to why you won’t trade shifts. All you need to say is, “no, that won’t work for me”. Repeat as needed.

You learned a lesson the hard way. You were given every red flag to avoid this person (talking smack about others, one-sided conversations, over sharing, emotional dumping, etc.) but you either didn’t see the signs or you ignored them.

You don’t need friends at work straightaway. Keep your personal life, personal until they earn your trust and even then - beware. Learn to set boundaries so that you don’t have to contend with the results of not setting limits on other peoples’ behaviors.

This is unbelievable. You know what I got for my birthday? Cake and ice cream and a pair of socks or pajamas, if I was lucky.

NTA. Your FIL has zero self awareness. He’s looking to blame anyone but himself. I wouldn’t want someone like that in my life, blood or not. Tell him to pound sand.

I remember having “traveling” strip shows come to nearby towns in the 80s.

Pick your battles. At 8 years-old your daughter should be capable of caring for her piercings.

Is this really about the piercing or is it about control or not letting your ex-husband “win”?

Check out the Chaparral Sunesta series. I believe all the models in that series have bathrooms - ours does. You can get a nice used one for less than $50,000.

NTA. I would’ve gone for the long play and pretend it didn’t bother me. Then, at his wedding, be sure to announce that you and your wife are expecting. That’s how you play that game.

You’re not being unreasonable and this issue isn’t arising because you have different ways of expressing love and affection. This issue arose because your husband is inconsiderate and immature. For him to say that you’re being unreasonable and stupid for getting upset about it, puts all the blame on you. That’s not how a considerate partner acts and is very manipulative behavior.

The fact that your husband was so confident in telling you to “ask anyone” is extremely narcissistic. People like him will be threatened by supportive people in your life. And, if you start standing up for yourself, which you should do, be prepared for his behavior to escalate - he won’t like “losing control.”

Taking care of 4.5 mo twins has got to be absolutely exhausting. Stop catering to him like he’s a third child. You deserve better.

Why do you think all of your assets are going to be hers eventually? You can leave your assets to anyone you want.

Absolutely not. Don’t breach this subject with any coworkers until you consult an attorney with a plan of action.

I personally don’t think a pink and white plaid dress with a white top is inappropriate. But, your stepsister sounds like a Bridezilla, so it’s best to just avoid using the dress.

I have a feeling your stepsister will find fault with any fancy dress on your child because little kids in dressy clothing are usually automatically cute. It might work in your favor to ask her about the dress - being uninvited sounds like a blessing and would solve having to find an appropriate outfit for your child! 😜

Unbelievable. I hope you find a job with better hours, pay, and people. Your current management sounds inexperienced, incompetent, and immature.

New member!

Strike 1, those colors are reserved for the bride. Strike 2, despite having a terrific figure, that waist line is off the mark (too high). Strike 3, it looks like the top of one dress was added to the bottom of a different dress. The textures/sheen of the fabrics don’t meld together. Strike 4, unless you’re flat chested, a wrap style top always makes one boob look bigger/higher/lower, etc. than the other.

I think she should pass on this one and look for one that really does her justice.

Uninvite her from the wedding. You don’t want you or any of your guests having to run interference on her the whole time. Just by being a potential nuisance she’s already causing anxiety because everyone is waiting for her “moment” to happen. NTA.

I ran into the same problem. You definitely need to get your property officially surveyed. If your property hasn’t been surveyed for a lengthy period of time, you can’t rely on any existing pins, stakes, rods, etc. They can shift, get moved, or be mistaken for a property pin. You also can’t rely on the “survey” that conveys with the real estate transaction unless it has an official stamp.

One of our neighbors had placed a shed/bunkhouse well over the 20’ setback and another smaller shed was actually on our property. The neighbor on the other side decided to get their property surveyed and they gained 10’ of land against their abutting neighbor because the existing rods weren’t in the correct location. That 10’ made a huge difference when they were siting a new garage.

Our surveyor did all the research on the original property descriptions and looked up other surveys done more recently on the adjacent properties, etc. He drew up and certified the plans and submitted them to the Registry of Deeds. He set pins capped with his name and license number and flagged the lines between pins.

We’re in Knox county and we were each charged $3500 for lots under 2 acres. Another neighbor down the road was quoted $4500 for a lot that was about 4 acres.

It was worth every penny because it gave me indisputable proof of what was encroaching on my property.

Interesting that they managed to get their shortage issue resolved after you never responded. Who did they get to do that and why couldn’t that person have done it from the get-go?

Gosh, this sounds so fake. It’s doubtful that even the most pompous, entitled woman who’s 5’9”/200 lbs is that blind to the fact that she’s not going to be able to squeeze into a dress made for someone 4’11”/110 lbs. There’s no way alterations could be made w/o tearing the dress apart and adding panels, etc.

Next time you try to write fiction, make the two main characters similar in height & weight, so that’s there’s a conceivable chance of conflict.