Two shots for every gunship - can’t do better because now you can carry the full pay load and not stand there waiting to shoot two eats to knock down two gunships

Sorry I believe it’s 1min 45 call down but I might be wrong. It definitely does effect fps on systems atm. I have a 4080 super and max 42 fps on defense mission. It has 4 rockets and so far I have been able to take down every gunship with two shots to one of its thrusters.

I did this on a seismic drill mission. I littered one side of a DEFENCE hill with eats. Must have been 5-6 eat sets so a dozen rockets to fire at the bots. One guy even thanked the crazy defence setup. Bots had no chance. Thought they could overwhelm us with 5 dropships at once. Well well they all went down.

Pinning a target for a turret sounds interesting

It’s funny how this post appeared way after atleast 10 other posts on the same topic however this one was first (according to Reddit) and gets all the upvotes??

Time to farmin those samples helldivers. They all need 200 rare each so get to it !!!

If it flips over : We need to be able to flip the wart-hog.. I mean hell-hog on its topside with a press of a button.

Almost got me?? Yoink missed me. Catch me if you can…To the skies on that high ledge. Shit I missed, not high enough. Oh shit I’m landing of the bug breach. Doh !!

AH TOOK A BREAK….!!!!! Deal with it. Sooky little Ytubers with nothing to steal and monetize for their own agenda. Social media is trying to steer the ship again. All they do is repeat what is already on discord or Reddit. When they have nothing to cover they overreact by making shit up in the hopes to use that as upvotes.

AH TOOK A BREAK….!!!!! Deal with it. Sooky little Ytubers with nothing to steal and monetize for their own agenda. Social media is trying to steer the ship again. All they do is repeat what is already on discord or Reddit. When they have nothing to cover they overreact by making shit up in the hopes to use that as upvotes.

AH TOOK A BREAK….!!!!! Deal with it. Sooky little Ytubers with nothing to steal and monetize for their own agenda. Social media is trying to steer the ship again. All they do is repeat what is already on discord or Reddit. When they have nothing to cover they overreact by making shit up in the hopes to use that as upvotes.

My biggest gripe is Ytubers that have run out of stuff to post so they are all getting whinny.


Don’t you hate It when they bully push you around the school. Stalkers are jerks.

Revenge on a stalker nest. Also unloading a scorcher mag in one to kill it before it bully pushes you around the school yard.

I thought all spawn rates change if close to an ongoing objective and once all objectives are complete the whole area goes into a frenzy. Could this be more apparent in which objective/mission/planet your on? Some higher difficulties only have certain missions (hive drill etc) so this could be the cause but I have no proof.