“Countless like you in the first generation” taesoo and by extension hudson know how to negate returning damage from their attacks literally just because they hit to hard to redirect it back

Artemis look like a completely different god I thought she was Nike until I read her name


Jiho arcs are peak Lookism in my opinion still sad they killed him off so bad

Not even elite liked that loser bro really said “im evil but damn…you just gross”

If you can’t finish elden ring you are genuinely never going to finish or play disco elysium

It is Baki after all the series where if you just believe hard enough you can fight a dinosaur

Nah it’s explicitly stated her medication/illness is the reason for the weight gain

Can we ban this guy? Genuine question all he does is farm negative karma with his posts

Bro this subreddit makes me want to die people genuinely believe two top tiers wouldn’t almost kill each other and it’s insane

I love elden ring but Melina has some of the most dogshit character handling ever they literally forget about her and now knowing we won’t get a another dlc we aren’t gonna find out her deal unless they do a second game

Ptj being peer pressured by his fans to kill jiho was one of the biggest cop outs in writing to the point it’s kinda pathetic literally had the PERFECT foil to Daniel and he just goes “nah fans don’t like him cause ugly….. I know let’s make the worst arc in the series!”

“Fuck this turn based shit” proceeds to solo the encounter

Johans endurance should be lower but other than that yeah this seems pretty accurate

And the also the world ends with you…. If you like rpgs

Yeah he even mentioned in his fight with goo all the fighting he’s been doing has brought him near his prime (or something like that whatever ultimate king is)

You are a disgusting disgrace of a human being for making fun of someone’s second language

This thread is 2 years old leave me alone lmao

The raian and ohma fight was recommended to me on YouTube

The amount of times I’ve seen this picture here is staggering

From what I read he doesn’t really give reasons except for one time was for a hernia I believe