Yes 2024 up vs 2023 cause 2023 down vs 2022 but possibly 2025 down vs 2024, so I call it’s a cyclic stock and it’s pe should be 10

I told you nvda is a cyclic stock, down on several quarters and up several quarters. Growth stocks should be Microsoft ex, not nvda

Tell me revenue of nvda for 10/2022, 01/2023, 04/2024 to see how it’s revenue down yoy of these quarters.

Did you forgot that nvda revenu down several quarters recently ??? Nvda is a cyclic stock, down and up revenue it depends on demand market

No, nvda isn’t growth stock, it’s a cyclic stock

Cyclic stock, now growth (high demand) but not growth stock when low demand

Nvda should have pe = 10, but it’s pe=75 now and you see how nvda extremely overvalued

Fair price with PE = 10, so you see nvda is extremely overvalued

Nvda is extremely overvalued, all in to buy put is free money 💴

I don’t think they bought more cause baba is already a big position in their portfolio.

Bạn mình tốt nghiệp đại học kỹ sư xd đi nghĩa vụ ngồi làm việc đúng chuyên môn và được trả lương (thấp hơn bên ngoài tý).

Nasdaq100 ytd 22%, Russell 2000 ytd 1.2%, why so different???????

Tsla is extremely cheap. All in to buy call is money 💰

Nvda is extremely overvalued. All in to buy put nvda is free money 💰

Excellent jobless report, stock market will be mooning today!!!!!