As someone born the same year she's 100000% had work done. Time catches up to you at this age.

Delivered a single small sprite* from McDonald's yesterday at around 2am to the ghetto hood. That shit was 1000% a setup. I drove there ran out my car put the thing on their stairs and left.

facts they send me shit like do 20 orders and earn $X amount.

bitch I don't get 20 orders all fuckin week

I love how huge a problem this is and the company just ignores it and goes on as normal. Fwiw I've been dealing with this notification issue for at least 5 months, if not longer since that's only when I started to pay attention to it.

I told them the same thing. You're punishing me for orders that I never actually see. Remove them from my acceptance. It's only fair.

Definitely my dad the older I get the more I understand him. My mom social af she's nt

I've been getting the "you've missed 2 orders" message even when I'm staring at the app. Would be funny if it weren't so sad.

You're not dead yet so you can certainly change for the better, if you really feel you've messed up with the life you live. There's always another day and another opportunity.

These thoughts usually come when you're comparing yourself to others. Don't do that. You're running your own race at your own pace. The good thing about this is having a dream, a plan (which is just as important), working towards it, makes you feel much better.

Same loser type we see on here claiming they tip after delivery. It's all lies. All of it. They see delivery people as beneath them in their sad lives.

When you grow up in the hood yes you feel safe there but that ain't it chief. I grew up in shitty places too (Bronx ghettos) but I'm glad I'm out.

100%. I would like to think there are companies who do that but I dunno how to find them.

Edit: here's some

You could pay me to do it but it'd have to be a lot. Base pay would have to be raised to at least $10 in exchange.

Earning about half of what was possible a year ago. Have to put more hours if you want that target hit.

I'm not a particularly attractive man but I've been hit on and approached at least 5 times in my life. I've rejected every single one of them but I do like and appreciate the effort. I'm not mean or anything in my rejection I just politely let them know I'm not interested or I have someone already.

I should add I don't put myself out there these were just regular outings to the store and such nothing fancy.

I don't think you should relegate yourself to being single forever. You say you're not experienced or whatever but like everything, you can learn. You can try to find people on dating apps go on many dates. Ya it'll be uncomfortable, but the end result is worth it. Eventually you'll gain the experience and find someone willing to be patient, understanding, and just be with you. You seem decent.

That tells you how often drivers are lied to about extra tips. 40% seems impossibly high from my experience.

I've personally cut my days way down. Used to do this 7 days a week to pass the time but now much time is just sitting there declining bad orders from the apps, 1 after the other.

These companies run on deflation. Everything else is going up in price but not this.

You're only wasting your own time buddy. There's a reason they shove earn by time down everyone's throat. It benefits them greatly no matter what you do.

Sounds like she ain't ready. I wouldn't leave her over it but it's still not great.