Are you kidding, those two we’re supposed to be the dumbest people alive. Why was anyone nice to them?

Cap’n Jazz recordings were pretty dirty and artful. I think the 90s and early 00s were full of smart creative people using limited equipment to make great recordings. I absolutely miss that sound and I often try and mimic that production style with my recordings.

Usually it’s overproduction that I hear that I call “bad”. When the recording is dry, thin, and a little lifeless I don’t necessarily call it bad because it’s just amateurish at that point and many times a really good song/band/artist will still shine through on these types of recordings. When the production takes away from the song rather than enhancing it, that’s bad. Over compression, over limiting, boosted highs, muddy lows, those are bad.

Sorry you’re getting roasted, unlike your steak

No you’re mistaken. He puts it in the bottom of the pot after draining the water, before he puts the pasta back in the pot. That way it doesn’t stick together. And yes. We all do that but I only use olive oil, no butter.

I have several from ps1 era but yeah I still have my original

This gen x punk sounds a lot like a gen x tool

Agree! Best beer I’ve picked up in a long time!

Jesus lizard, Silkworm, and Nina Nastasia. If people aren’t familiar with Silkworm you should be and just from an audio perspective their albums sound incredible. Worked and were friends with Albini.


That’s his tiny penis and massive ego

Edit: I say “his” because I have a 70% chance of guessing the gender correctly

The remake is good for an action game, it’s a terrible survival horror game. The original I always hated. That’s when I stopped playing Resident Evil games until the remakes came out.

There’s a lot of factors in shelf stability of beer, but hazies are the least shelf stable of them all.

That game was pretty wack. I was able to beat it without ever really learning how to use magic much. I barely understood the combat system and still crushed it. I did enjoy the game, but it just wasn’t challenging and the story was pretty loose. FF open world is not my style though.

I was fortunate to be in Electrical Audio and meet him once, the guy recorded everyone and anyone in Chicago. Wasn’t outrageously expensive either. Most recording engineers of his stature would be working for tens of thousands of dollars but his rates were super low, you could record with him for a grand.

I understand that in this reactionary day of pure leftism the standard to hold our peers accountable is much higher, and for good reason, without prejudice. This is not a confession of a pedo, or an admission to hide the identity and protect one, also the fact that you honed in on the pedophelia and not the “skin tearing”, “homocide”, “dismemberment”, or “jewburning” says something, though I understand that this is an unfortunate relic of the past. What he’s saying is that smut was a black market underground revolt of norms akin to what was for us in the late 90s, and many other fucked up websites. Understand that a lot of that content was absolutely fake. Faces of Death fake. It’s not like Steve Albini was going around looking for children to fuck. He was just saying that it’s punk rock to spit in the face of normality and take a peek at the fucked up underbelly of the world in a passive way. Not to contribute or anything. He was also putting forth a personality that said: I like music that other people find truly terrible, and this is an extension of that. Saying things like this today would take a much more delicate approach, but back then it was definitely different. He for sure had some adolescent ideas back then, really dumb takes on women and stuff too, but as he aged out of that he acknowledged and apologized for stuff in a sincere and honest way. He is not the enemy you’re looking for. Darby Crash was a “nazi”, Lemmy loved Nazi shit, Stza was an actual fuckass shit bag, Tommy Ramone was a racist republican, and there’s plenty of bad history in punk. Some can be forgiven, others can not, Albini is not the boogeyman.

Edit: not to mention it was almost completely written for pure shock value