Have you been to the area though? There’s lots of cliffs and sheer drops, it’s possible to fall even from a marked trail

It’s good for her family to be able to put her to rest finally after all this time, but very sad for it to end this way of course. I know the popular theory in here is that it was suicide but I think it’ll be pretty hard at this point to rule out an accident being the cause instead. Last time I was in the mountains I went for a jog and it’s alarming how often a cliff face to a sheer deep drop is hidden just behind vegetation or only barely ‘off’ the path. Only the most touristed areas (such as around the Three Sisters lookout) are fenced. It would be *very easy to accidentally fall off somewhere imho especially if someone was impaired in any way

It’s a fascinating and very sad one, but the body was in quite an inaccessible part of like a cellar or something, if I remember clearly

Why does this have so many downvotes? What professions are there that reliably pay more than medicine?

Idk the woolworths metro in Grazier Lane or whatever it’s called in Belco, is pretty great

I’d argue the US is already there. They have no healthcare, virtually no social security system at all, no or very few living minimum wage rates, and major homeless tent encampments in many cities

What you’re asserting here is literally the classic NIMBY position, though. Every nimby ever has, in their mind, reasonable and thought-through explanations for why it is that, despite acknowledging development does have to happen, they are staunchly opposed to a particular development.

Yeah, I’m also surprised by the tenor of a lot of the comments here. A few weeks back a similar post, about community objections to the curtin horse paddocks development, was met with a flurry of comments calling out the NIMBY-ism and asserting the importance of the developments going ahead.

I had no idea the Netherlands even had any beaches, before this post. Are they any good? And, also- why is there a wall along the beach in the photo?

Lots of festivals and events do have free sunscreen here, and I’m sure I’ve even seen it at the surf lifesaving station on a few occasions at the beach.

I cannot believe NIMBYism has now made it to Gungahlin, of all places. Lol

Oh yes, it’s famously impossible to make money from building houses. That’s why builders and property developers are always the poorest members of our society. Oh wait…

Australia has one of the most concentrated and urbanised populations in the world, and also some of the biggest and most sprawling cities. The vaaast majority of the jobs are opportunities are in the major cities. We don’t have much middle ground of regional centres where people can live

Dude what planet are you living on, you’re literally here in the ‘shit rentals’ thread, on a post talking about the housing crisis, why the hell do you think people are having less kids?

SO glad to see this one discussed on here!! Like a lot of Australian cases it doesn’t get a heap of attention internationally but it’s a horrendous crime and a huge mystery. I listened to the podcast too (albeit, a few years ago now) and my takeaway was that the husband was sussssss. I think he + his family killed both women, perhaps Beth was murdered in a fit of rage + Viv because she knew what had happened (and so she could posthumously be framed for Beth’s murder). It’s spine-chilling how all of those men treated the women in their lives.

This kind of reminds me of the Australian case of Keli Lane, she was convicted of murdering her infant child after the baby disappeared a few days after birth and was never reported missing. Lane claims she ‘gave’ the baby to a man, but he’s never been found and there was no real evidence she had so. And she was still able to be successfully prosecuted for murder. It’s a controversial case but imo the court made the right decision.

Bingo. He’s able to continue exerting control over her by refusing to give her closure or answers about her children. Despicable

Woa whaaaaat? How does that even happen?! I must listen to this one now…