Bro been passing bipartisanship bills for the past 2 years

How much effort do you think goes into signing a bill that the House and Senate already wrote, debated, and passed?

You gotta realize that most (all) people who are shooting off fireworks in their backyards and parking lots are mouth-breathing cunts. So no, they don't know.

Once the interview ends, he'll just stare off into the distance until Jill comes over and helps him walk away.

Just digging their heels in?

Congratulations on the reelection, Donald.

Congrats! It'll last a while, just follow all recommended maintenance whenever the minders come on.

Look at the comments and their upvotes (very against Biden) but then look at how the post as a whole gets downvoted to oblivion. This sub is filled to the brim with DNC bots.

Watch this get buried in New while pro-biden articles get somehow upvoted to Hot. Interesting.