Aaron Nola

He had a 106 OPS+ last year vs 138 this year. That’s quite the breakout

Suggesting he was always this good is silly

:block_S: 2022, BAE/MAE

You come into penn state with ~30 AP credits so can skip all US/IL, Gen History, Gen Science, Physics 211/212, and math 140/141. Or a similar amount of dual enrollment/community college courses

That’s what worked for me and most everyone else I know who graduated a year early

FWIW it’s because when you schedule send an iMessage it actually sends off your device as if you sent it then. The delay is on the delivery side. Meaning if you delay send and then lose internet connection/your phone dies, the recipient would still get the message

Since Apple’s servers don’t route SMS or RCS through them (they go through the carriers) they would have to hold it on the send side which would not let the message still send if you lose connection or your phone dies, which I guess they prioritized

Aaron Nola

I mean unfortunately CBP is the only one I know of to actually do this. So many other parks have their “Diamond Club” equivalent block off the concourse from 1B to 3B. Nats Park and Truist Park are bad about this

PNC Park is especially bad since the whole outfield concourse is entirely hidden from the field of play. My hot take is that it’s the most overrated stadium but that won’t stop it from ranking as the best ballpark year over year purely for the view away from the park

Not to mention the lights could be off. I’ve seen far more lights be off than flashing

Off of course also means to treat as a stop sign. But no one does making an unsafe environment

The Wawa in Glen Mills on Concord Pike has sold beer for almost 10 years. I guess they’ve finally started expanding to other stores in the state

But you wouldn’t need bedrooms for that stuff. By the time you’re getting to houses this big you’re getting a second living room, basement and/garage that would have space for exercise and hobby rooms without requiring using an additional bedroom

It’s not the fact that it’s an extract that’s different it’s because they use a specifically bred variety that is resistant to skunking

From their website:

As brewers learned about the susceptibility of hop oils to light, Miller took the extra step of developing special light-stable Galena hops just for High Life, ensuring the beer would taste as refreshing as it looks through the clear glass of the bottle.

:yimby: YIMBY

If extorting a foreign country to make up dirt on a political opponent, inciting a riot to try to overturn a legitimate election, and being convicted of 34 felonies related to fraud to cover up something he did to make himself more electable doesn’t change anyone’s mind another scandal in the 4 months won’t either

He wasn’t lying when he said he could shoot a guy on 5th avenue and not lose any supporters

It evidently isn’t?

The Capitol (the building) is pretty universally regarded as being beautiful

The capital (the city) is what has a poor reputation

:yimby: YIMBY

He’s always been delirious. Just delirious with confidence no different than he’s ever been

:yimby: YIMBY

They also don’t seem to be cutting him off when he goes off topic? Wasn’t that part of the rules?

:yimby: YIMBY

I get the system is set up to allow them to just talk uninterrupted but man letting Trump speak his opinions as truth for 2 minutes seems like a bad system

Not that’s Biden is doing a good job at taking advantage of the same system, but when it’s set up that player A gets to make in-checked claims and it’s on player B to fact check Them is crazy

There’s one in Arlington VA, they sell bottles of like corona or Dos Equis also

Aaron Nola

This year is 89 PA that is not nearly large enough a sample to conclude that clutch exists

Last year, Harper had an 0.803 OPS with RISP vs an overall .900 OPS

Did he magically become less clutch in 2023 and then flip a switch to become more clutch in 2024? Or is it more likely that the illusion of clutch (in that it’s a hard ability of a player) is just selective memory of big events plus small sample size shenanigans

Tbh daylight savings time is fine it’s standard time that should go away. Just shift all the US/canada timezones +1hr and get rid of the mid year changes

:yimby: YIMBY

Consider also that the EPA has lower mpg requirements for bigger vehicles so companies are more inclined to make them vs actually making more efficient vehicles

Yeah but rent control doesn’t solve this. It just makes other issues worse

Real page and price fixing in apartments needs an antitrust lawsuit, but that’s a separate issue

I mean rent control has been repeatedly found to be bad in practice not just economic models. The issue is that it reduces supply driving up costs for people looking to move in making average costs worse

Rent control is bad actually and leads to higher overall costs. Pretty much every economist ever agrees

This is one case that VA stumbled into doing something good

I mean there was that teacher that (in response to a student saying “that could never happen here”) got the whole school to become an imitation fascist state with secret police and everything



That’s called an Architectural Engineering degree though it replaces the wastewater and highway classes with the ones you mentioned