Makes sense although disappointing šŸ„², though I tend to microdose every other day or 4 days on 3 days off

Micro & Macrodosing cross tolerance General Question

Is there a cross tolerance when microdosing regularly like 0.1g (following any of the dosing schedules) and then taking a macro dose? (Leaving at least 2 weeks between macros?)

Same with IFS - Itā€™s been life changing for me. I was able to somewhat feel the emotions that come up before but IFS is the only thing Iā€™ve found where those emotions have started to lighten because Iā€™m finding and relating to the ā€˜partsā€™ of me that are driving them.

Yes! Read something along these lines recently - ā€˜we donā€™t fear life, we fear how weā€™ll feel. If we can face and be with the feelings we can deal with anything.ā€™

How are you meant to act in front of others when feeling difficult emotions?

Title - Thereā€™s all the info in the world about reverse meditation, and noticing and labelling and letting emotions go, but I canā€™t seem to find any info anywhere about how to feel and notice and process feelings when with other people.

How do you behave?

You can do all the witness-consciousness-observing-feel-it-to-heal-it that you want but people can tell thereā€™s something wrong and wonā€™t leave you alone or tell you to cheer up or distance themselves from you or overcompensate by not giving you space which further aggravates me.

It makes it feel even harder to feel my emotions and what comes up.

How are you meant to act in front of others when feeling difficult emotions? Question

Title - Thereā€™s all the info in the world about reverse meditation, and noticing and labelling and letting emotions go, but I canā€™t seem to find any info anywhere about how to feel and notice and process feelings when with other people.

How do you behave?

You can do all the witness consciousness observing that you want but people can tell thereā€™s something wrong and wonā€™t leave you alone or tell you to cheer up or distance themselves from you or overcompensate by not giving you space which further aggravates me.

I myself have left my body briefly with astral projection methods (it was more real than me sitting here typing this), so may be biased.

Itā€™s a valid point you make but I donā€™t think weā€™re meant to be able to test these things.

We and science perceive with physical senses and physical measures.

These phenomena are beyond the physical. Itā€™s beyond our framework and capabilities.

Us trying to test it and set up elaborate tests to see if itā€™s real, seems to me like an ant trying to test when the next meteor would pass by earth.

It doesnā€™t know, it doesnā€™t have the tools nor the cognitive capacity to do so.

And the stories we hear of this phenomena suggest that when out of body or experiencing an NDE, often times we cannot control it. We are taken somewhere by someone to see something, almost being there for the ride.

It makes sense that we cannot force seeing predetermined things. We are not in control.

Yes maybe! Will experiment with some different strains/amounts šŸ™

Thank you thank you thank you

This is exactly what I needed to hear ā¤ļø

I have been off Prozac for 2 months now so thought the SSRI effect would have passed, but interesting to know that it may be a longer term thing that you have to adjust for

Thanks for your kindness ā˜ŗļø

Disappointing tripExperience/Tripping

Iā€™m 3 hrs into a trip (nearly 4g lemon tek), and I went in with the intention of healing, having repressed memories come up, actually having visions and potentially mystical experiences.

I had the blindfold on, the John Hopkins playlist. I set my intentions, I meditated beforehand, I journaled, I had binaural beats.

And nothing. I have some open eye visuals, I feel ā€˜weirdā€™, but with the blindfold on and music I didnā€™t have much.

It was just darkness. I struggle with visualising so I was wondering if that was why Iā€™m not ā€˜seeingā€™ things.

But I wanted to heal to come to terms with whatā€™s happened to me, to process, to find peace -

I want so badly the shrooms to give me advice to tell me something, anything like I hear it does for other people, and instead I am just left feeling weird and seeing nothingness.

It just makes me wonder why does anyone take shrooms - like what is the actual purpose.

And feeling bored and like how long is left of this until itā€™s over.

Were my expectations too high and my dose too low?

Idk Iā€™m not impressed with shrooms at all really.

I would agree with this because I absolutely hate having to go slow in the left lane because some twats in the middle are doing 60, and all the dangerous idiots in the right lane are doing 120 so youā€™ve got no where to go - but what about when youā€™re undertaking and being in the middle peopleā€™s blind spots?

Always been told to move past them as quickly as possible but it still feels dangerous when Iā€™m going past them in the left lane (always with loads of space in front of me but the middle lane is jammed)

Same here IFS has been life changing for me and only just started - I can see hope for the first time in my life.

Read Reverse Meditation by Andrew Holecek! Sounds exactly what youā€™ve come across and is apparently one of the deepest and ultimate form of meditation

Iā€™ve been on it 8 months and only lost 19 lbs lmao, been on the highest dose for about 3 months now. So definitely not quick, but moving onto Mounjaro as itā€™s cheaper and more effective so hoping it gives me a boost.

Iā€™m currently reading Seth Speaks which is really eye opening. He talks about all of us having multiple versions of our consciousness and selves in different realities and that weā€™re all focussed in that particular reality so only know what that reality allows us to based on the constraints - but that we are in communication with each other often, and with other souls/entities. He talks about there being so many possibilities and realities itā€™s incomprehensible to us focussed in the physical realm.

Fascinating reading, would recommend if you havenā€™t come across it already!

[technique] small pressure cookers technique

Small pressure cookers

Hi, bought myself a Hawkins Heavy base pressure cooker (6.8 qt/6.5 litres) and itā€™s not working to sterilise the grain jars/bags.

Iā€™ve got two theories:

  1. I canā€™t fit enough water into it before the jars are submerged so it runs dry

  2. It lets steam out every minute or so - Iā€™ve seen the presto canners have the weight that just jiggles. Videos Iā€™ve seen on the Hawkins show the weight blasting steam out at least 2x a minute and the instructions say that too. This makes me think itā€™s loosing more steam than a Presto would due to the amount and force it takes (itā€™s like a blast when the steam releases), does it even when turning down heat.

I also have used my 12 psi Instant Pot for longer temps but my grain still contamined (I use a small flow hood & clear g2g or agar so it makes me think it was the grain).

Does anyone else use Hawkins or a small pressure cooker and found a way around this?

Is there a way for me to keep using this pressure cooker, or do I have to admit my mistake and get a 23qt Presto (which are hard to come by in my country and expensive).

Thatā€™s fab! Ahh sorry to hear that, yeah thereā€™s definitely no one size fits all approach is there šŸ˜”. And it definitely costs a lot doesnā€™t it!

Yeah for sure šŸ™‚ thereā€™s online workbooks or sheets with questions if you like to journal.

Richard Schwartz was the founder of IFS so would recommend YouTube videos of interviews with him, and other peoples experiences of IFS. I found it from listening to unrelated podcasts of people I respected that were finding success with it, so it helped me to see how other people were using it and if it actually was of benefit.

Some books Iā€™d recommend that touch on it or trauma: ā€¢ Complex PTSD - Pete Walker ā€¢ Transcending Trauma - Frank G Anderson ā€¢ Self Therapy - Jay Earley ā€¢ No Bad Parts - Richard Schwartz

I can relate to the keeping myself isolated and smoking weed a ton!

Whatā€™s helping me the most of any therapies Iā€™ve done (and itā€™s a lot!) is Internal Family Systems therapy with a therapist - gets to the root cause of the parts of us (thoughts and feelings) weā€™ve suppressed or are stuck in the past that are driving these behaviours.

And also microdosing shrooms at the same time to be able to be more connected to myself, the different parts of myself and more connected to my body and emotions to heal.

Talk therapy where you talk about what happened to you and how it made you feel just didnā€™t work for me, especially ā€˜dryā€™ lol

No worries! Youā€™ve got this - youā€™re more than your past, your childhood, your fears. I hope you find healing šŸ™šŸ»

If youā€™re into books Iā€™d recommend these as they touch on IFS and or trauma

ā€¢ Transcending Trauma - Frank G Anderson ā€¢ Somatic Internal Family Systems Therapy - Susan Connell ā€¢ Self Therapy - Jay Earley ā€¢ No Bad Parts - Richard C Schwartz (the founder of IFS) ā€¢ Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents - Lindsay Gibson (not IFS focused but helpful if youā€™ve had parents like this) ā€¢ Complex PTSD - Pete Walker (not IFS but Complex PTSD is relational trauma over time growing up, which I firmly believe is where avoidance comes from as a coping mechanism)

Not a fan of high silver at all, makes me proper anxious and jittery and unsure

How have you read my mind??? šŸ¤Æ I completely relate to everything youā€™ve written!

The seeming social to others but still struggling underneath it all but having to put it on, and struggling with anxiety and avoidance of intimate relationships. Showing people what you think they want to see. Getting closer to where you want to be then pushing people away. Not wanting to maintain relationships or socialise.

I know unsolicited advice is rubbish, but I wanted to share that IFS therapy is helping me loads with unpacking and healing the parts of me that are doing this behaviour and feeling this way. (If part of you doesnā€™t want to feel or be this way anymore but another part continues to do it anyway or does want it, thatā€™s what Internal Family Systems looks at - the root causes of our thoughts and behaviours and the parts of us weā€™ve suppressed or that have been stuck in time)

Thank you for this advice! šŸ™šŸ»

I donā€™t know if youā€™ve read Robert Monroeā€™s books but iirc he talks about some of his astral projections where he visits people that are asleep or awake and he has a conversation with them but theyā€™re not fully aware of it as their level of consciousness is different at that time, sounds similar to what youā€™ve experienced!