My call center has cut that in half recently. I ignore it until I'm told off by my supe. As a customer is be super annoyed by a rep coming back every 2 minutes or less.

How the hell else are you supposed to keep your Sam score up? I don't know about your call center but we are told we have to say that crap.

I actually had a customer tell me to get to shelter when there was a potential tornado nearby. I personally didn't feel the need to panic because it wasn't that close and I didn't want to be crammed in the stairwell with a bunch of people. I was trying to make sure that I made notes about what I'd done so the next rep would know where I left off so the customer didn't have to start all over again.

Keep in mind this same job expects us to come in DURING a hurricane stating that the building is cat 5 hurricane proofed. Know what isn't? The convertible I drive to get there.

What kills me is when they get absolutely nasty about it because they can't just have what they want on demand.

Sure! Just let me wave my magic fucking wand. Your wish is my command.

They must be really pleasant to have to deal with on a daily basis.

Bad advice for people who've had heat stroke. It comes easier each time it happens and is potentially lethal. I've been here since the 90s and get overheated within 15 minutes now .

When we were just dating, I had an apocalyptic period that was just a damn disaster. He was so cool about it, even going to the store to get me supplies.

When we were engaged he had a severe reaction to medication and ended up in the hospital needing a bed pan. I cleaned him up to spare his dignity.

We're married now and even in our 50s think farts are funny. He calls it our love language - methauanian, though he's definitely the fart master.

One of his favorite things to do during the pandemic was to fart near me and say, "covid smell test!" Now he just sings, "taste the biscuit!" as in air biscuit. I actually bought him a tee shirt with that printed on it.

The majority of our callers are really unintelligent and entitled. Coincidentally, quite a few of them are also very Trumpy and vocal as hell about it.

Yes. It generally doesn't bother me. If they get too suggestive I tell them my husband loves my voice. If they continue I start getting mildly insulting. Nothing that could get me in trouble but almost.

I can't even get homeowner's insurance. My mobile home is too old.

I could hear the way the man in the background was talking to the woman I was helping that she was likely going to be beaten when she got off the phone with me. I'm not allowed to ask her if she's ok or needs help. I was genuinely worried for her.

Go sign up for food stamps ASAP so at least food will be covered. Food banks help too.

Fuck call centers. This job has been shitty since telemarketing was legal. Try to find something else because this shit will make you jaded.

1240 sq ft. $430 last August. Averaging $280 now by using that plan that spreads out the payments.

Sorry for your loss. The set of pictures is endearing

Bye boy.

Seriously, get rid of that idiot. I watched my mom suffer because my dad forbid her from getting reduction surgery. Do not allow this to continue. Where does he get off thinking he can say anything about what you do with your body? He thinks he owns you and you need to squash that shit right now.

This shrimp dick energy is why women in the USA no longer have rights to their bodily autonomy.

We actually have an app use these morons will say, "well I looked at the app and it said I was still in an outage." Furthermore , the automated attendant told them the same damn thing. I guess they just want a human to tell them so they have someone to bitch at.

There's my people! I absolutely LOATHE the stench of baby products. It's just god-awful! Some asshat at my work drenches themselves in it and it makes me gag and struggle for air every time. My asthma doesn't like it one bit.