Any of the night elf starting zones, there's a ton of walking and low quest density imo

To be fair if you act hop so to speak you can get most of Ranger / rouge build online before lvl 3 if you go get the gear.

Tbh I think rouge is overpowdered and mascaras everything.

If someone isn't monitoring what their kid's doing online, then they can't be upset when they end up being traumatised because of their own stupid words.

Also if you're healing a DK tank you need to know their RP situation

Sitting at the front means short people might be able to actually see the stage. How is that inconsiderate?

The s24U camera is great for shots out in the world especially in daylight. The only exception in my experience is if you want a single point of focus without using portrait mode, as the photos by default seem to use matrix metering without the option to adjust to centre-weighted.

Unfortunately my use case is the exact opposite (taking photos for an online sales business) so the subject is still and centred but the white balance by default can't handle anything that's very red/blue/green and skews the colours quite badly.

Then if you try to use pro mode and set manual WB/tint when going from auto to manual white balance a lot of other colour imperfections appear.

My only other gripe is that the minimum focal length for 3x & 5x shots isn't made super clear imo, so I have a lot of trouble getting the 3x to actually focus on an object.

Too addicted to momentum elixirs on my WW/DD barb tbh

Cuts back and forth between Notthatguy6250 and Jeff Bezos 27 times

Nah they pay money into my account even though I haven't worked there for over 5 years since their underpayments were so rampant.

Yeah, woolies only raise prices because of theft and definitely not profiteering...

Like IDK Landslide instead becomes something like a Stone Rain.

Man I loved trampleslide in preseason but after playing it for ages it's nice to play a class without constantly hearing BANGBANGBANG of the landslide :P

A friend was at a club when a girl asked him what he does for work, he told her he's an "Underwater Ceramic Technician".

He was a dish washer at a restaurant :P

The ones that get the job commonly quit in the first few weeks for nothing reasons.

Because people don't get feedback quickly from businesses they apply to for jobs, they're incentivised to apply for jobs in bulk.

I would assume that you've given them a job, but another company has since replied/interviewed and given them a position that's more rewarding/suited for the person.

My use case is for online sales, subject is still in a room that's consistently lit with the same bulbs every time etc.

My s24U, IF it focuses correctly takes very detailed photos, but the colour accuracy is shocking. If white balance is set to auto the camera is okay until something I'm taking a photo of is blue/red and it confuses the balancing.

If I set the white balance manually to the same white balance the phone is using, I get a pink/red tinge that means I need to manually edit all my photos now (this wasn't an issue on my note10+).

Also occasionally I get something that I'm taking a photo of that has a pattern of green/purple lines across it and I have no idea what that's about. My wife upgraded from a S10e to a S23 and has now since purchased another S10e for taking photos of her products.

The focus in the standard camera mode seems to be matrix metered instead of centre weighted, which means that it can be inconsistent even with a subject that doesn't move :S

I think it's sad that people are so insecure when presented with the correct information they'd rather be rude than be thankful they've learned something.

But if you're a fan of being almost correct, then you do you.