I’m gonna have to revoke your edgelord card.

Until we can truly understand the origins of the universe and figure out how something can come from nothing, it’s no more or less illogical to be religious or not(it least in terms of Christianity).

It really isn’t particularly hard to understand this. Being intelligent doesn’t mean you’re above faith. Everyone has faith in something they can’t prove.

One of my biggest buying regrets this year. Netherrealm really showed their true colors with this game, sad to have MK end like this for me but it is what it is.

Bro is active in the Overwatch server and roasts someone for playing trash games.

Why is bro so toxic?

He is right, there’s not much else to play within this genre. The Final Shape is pretty good, but more than likely he’s already played it extensively and is done with the content, or he’s not into Destiny 2. Same with Warframe, it’s pretty good but he’s either not into it or has already had his fill.

There is no other modern looter-shooter with consistent updates and quality gameplay. So TFD fills a void while Warframe and Destiny 2 simmer with their new content.

Looks like they’re censoring some of the character designs, that’s a big shame.

This might be the biggest skill issue post I’ve ever seen in my life.

There’s no helping this poor soul.

No. I’ll vote third party or not at all.

If these two candidates are the best America can do and the people fall in line without fighting, we deserve to collapse.

Because that would be incredibly stupid and anyone with a single brain cell realizes this.

Making Trump a martyr might be the dumbest possible move anyone could make right now.

The r/conservative crowd is absolutely pathetic. I have roasted the left/dems multiple times on this subreddit and I’ve never been banned/muted/warned, but on r/conservative? I called them out last year on basically doing the same exact thing that the left does with their phrase “vote blue no matter who” when the sentiment of falling in line with Trump was clear when he was gonna be the nomination.

They banned me shortly after. No swear words, no insults, no threats, they just banned me for calling out their hypocrisy. I’ll give r/politics credit; they may be mindlessly left-leaning like r/conservative is mindlessly right-leaning, but at least there seems to be more open discussion here.

Not in Destiny 2.

I think we’ll finish the game by killing off Xivu and the big Destiny 3 tease will be the combat frame Vex finally coming out to play.

Way better than the real one.

Bloodborne Remaster and it’s not even close.

I have a PS5 but I switched to PC earlier this year and there’s no way I’m going back to console now. So give me the definitive version of Bloodborne on PC, see how well it sells, then give me BB2 on PC as well.

At launch, I can absolutely understand. The game was a technical mess with awful framerate and frame stutters issues, horrible pop in(I’m talking N64-level textures) and just an overall lack of polish that indicated that it wasn’t ready for release.

However, look past these issues(much like I did for Dark Souls when it came out, for example) and it is EASILY one of the best, if not the best Souls-like ever made. It looks gorgeous, it has a fantastic atmosphere, world/level design similar to Dark Souls and so much combat variety it’s insane.

Playing it now would be even better thanks to them fixing the launch issues but also all the post launch content they added, including a randomizer for NG+ that you can tweak AND a boss rush mode with rewards. I would definitely give it another go if you’re able; and then you’ll see why I hold it as high as Lies of P.

Man, I don’t care when this happens to Insomniac or Sony, but Fromsoft? That’s lame…

Pssst plz leak DS4, S2, D’sS2, ER2 and BB2 plz.

Yes he should’ve?

He’s running for President and he’s going to be the Republican candidate. It’s not illegal for a felon to run for President(lol).

It’s a clown world, but America is the circus that’s allowed this to happen. Besides, denying Trump the right to be on stage would only galvanize his base more.

Not quite. It’s undoubtedly top tier for Souls-likes and it’s definitely the best or tied for the best(LotF is very close as well), but the level design wasn’t quite up to par. Obviously I don’t expect it to be as good, and to be fair, it was absolutely fine, but Lies of P was very linear in design with no real sense of exploration outside a house or pathway.

If they can make Lies of P 2(or Wishes of D) with better level design, including extra areas that you don’t need to explore for the main path, then we’ll have a true competitor to Fromsoft.

We’ve deserved to crumble for a long time now, we’re absolutely in the fall of Rome era. We are an end-stage empire right now.

There is no coming back from the corruption we’ve allowed to fester. It will need to be burned to the ground before anything good can grow back, if anything grows back at all.

And the crowd goes…mild.

The game is going to have to be phenomenally good, like best-in-class good, to claw back from the reception it’s gotten.