Fucking Vikings is on here but no animated comedies (Bojack, Bob's Burgers, Archer, anything)? Or Arrested Development?

WTF is this list? Vikings is on here, but Bojack Horseman isn't?

The only way this ultimatum works is if at the deadline you propose yourself. To force the question. You cannot make other people do things, you are only in control of your own actions. If you want to marry him, he has until X date to do the proposal, otherwise you will take matters into your own hands.

Ok, admittedly I haven't been there in almost 30 years, but Jekyll Island, GA.

There's a big difference between letting it thaw all the way to near room temperature and letting the outside thaw until refrigeration temps in terms of bacterial growth.

Also, how else am I supposed to get the ribs out of the plastic packaging when my husband mistakenly froze them and they need to be ready for bbq today? I'm just lucky I caught it in time for a proper fridge thaw.

Yeah, e coli is the example of "what doesn't kill you doesn't actually make you stronger, in the long term".

Unless by "salad" they really mean a dozen different dishes that are technically "salads" because they have "salad" in the name, including but not limited to: potato salad, pasta salad (several varieties), antipasta salad (I guess to balance out the pasta), waldorf salad, fruit salad, ambrosia, macaroni salad, broccoli salad with bacon, tomato salad, and cucumber salad.

You're probably not fired, lol. Mistakes happen. But make sure you learn the right lesson here: when in doubt, ask before you do. The labels weren't what you were expecting, that was your clue that you needed more information.

Ego has no place in the lab. No one is thinking "OMG what a stupid obvious question, this guy doesn't belong here because he should know this already", they are thinking "thank goodness they asked before doing the wrong thing, that could have been a disaster!" or "Ha, I had the same question! Hmm, maybe we should clarify this in the SOP...".

No one hires an intern expecting a fully competent lab professional. You did right by letting them know about the mistake as soon as you figured out what happened.

They never want to accept that PERSONALITY is one of the most important things a human can find attractive/unattractive about someone. Because it's something that a) they are lacking in and b)can be improved. They want to blame all their problems on things that are inherent that can't be fixed (at least without plastic surgery). They like feeling like a victim.

The Left hates us for being too feminine, for liking traditional gender roles, for not killing our babies, and for thinking men can be good and women can be evil.

None of this is true. The Left hates you for being a sanctimonious asshole who thinks that anyone who thinks differently from you is the literal devil. The Left is full of: couples that live "traditionally" (as in a husband that works outside the home and a stay-at-home wife), feminine women (and men! because we don't gatekeep femininity or use it to hurt or boast), and most people on the left agree that men can be good (Bernie!) and women can be evil (like you!). And we don't want you to kill your babies, we want you to raise them with LOVE instead of the hatred you've been spewing. And please don't hit them.

The description of the right kinda tracks though.

It's only a little over 4 feet off the ground, it isn't a full-size bunk bed (look at the armchair in the corner for height reference). Also, the kid looks like he landed on all fours, which is bad for joints but at least is less damaging to head, neck and back. An adult jumping off that in the same way the kid did would probably dislocate something or sprain their wrist, both of which would suck, but probably wouldn't break anything.

Luckily, that isn't a full-size "bunk" bed, it's the KURA from Ikea and it's only about 4 feet off the ground. It's not actually a bunk bed, it's a convertible loft. For small kids you have it in the configuration with the bed on the bottom, and when they are old enough you can put the bed on top to make it a (lower) loft bed. You can put another twin bed in on the bottom when it's in the loft configuration, but I don't think it's recommended.

I was expecting a bite. That was a pretty gentle nuzzle that shouldn't have knocked over a grown adult.


This time it was lying about people smoking pot, which could get you in trouble with your job.

Next time it could be something worse.

Until the liar comes clean, she can't be trusted.

And I'm sorry, but if your sister was THAT worried that you had all been doing illicit substances, she probably would have sent an uber for her kids, not let her come home with SOMEONE WHO WAS AT THE PARTY THAT SUPOSEDLY HAD EVERYONE DRUNK. Seriously, what the heck was that all about? It doesn't make a lick of sense and makes me think your sister is doing this for drama.

So she gave you everything you asked for (honesty), and you throw her away. She supported you at your worst, and you throw her away. You deny her any kind of intimacy, and strike up an emotional affair with a coworker, then decide to throw her away.

You deserve to feel guilty. YTA. You do not deserve the wife who stuck with you. You deserve the shallow relationship you have with this coworker who is an adulterer just like you. The only thing you can do now is make the divorce as swift and easy for her as possible, which you should do if you ever had any love for the mother of your children in the first place.

But don't fool yourself thinking this new relationship is going to make you feel better about yourself, or that you deserve happiness more than your soon-to-be-ex. Despite what an awful person you are, she still loved you. Remember that. She loved you despite what a horrible person you were, while you threw her away. You don't even know what love it. I hope the shallow physical attraction you have with your side chick withers and dies and leaves both you and your affair partner alone.

And going along with your example: If someone asked me to describe my counter, I can do that in words. But it's individual characteristics don't require "names" in my head until someone asks for them. They are white with little flecks of grey and black. But when I imagine my counter, I have a picture of it in my head. "White with little flecks of grey and black" is how I describe it to someone else, but in my mind I have a clear picture of just how big those little flecks are, how their distribution is, the exact shade of white... And the words "white" "grey" "black" or "flecks" aren't things that come up in my mind until I start thinking of how to describe the counter to someone asking.

I don't have inner voice narration unless I'm imagining conversations or planning out something I'm writing/typing.

Everything else is just imagining. Like a movie, where there's still stuff going on in-between the dialog. Pictures, feelings, music with or without lyrics.

Hep D is a little special. You can only get it if you already have Hep B.

Agreed. The vast majority of Redditors do not have assets that need a prenup to protect.

I work in a medical lab and these are not allowed. Closed-heel is mandatory just like closed-toe.