It's pretty painless in the ole FC.

Atleast a 3 day ban from reddit for fucks sake! I've been banned for way more candy ass threats than this.

I bet you came home with more money than when you left, though, huh?

They now call that "THE DEAD LANDS" and warn to never venture there.

Well, they had to fuck then have and raise 5 kids on your father's salary uphill both ways in the snow!!!

I've been married currently for about 5 years and I couldn't tell you a single feature of my wifes eyes. They're greenish I think.

Wait till you hear about the guy that died shooting a firework off on his head!

Theyre gonna play this on a loop to their children when they take over.

Davonte down on Linden Ave got me on a banger plan! I lost 15 lbs in my first week. It's a very comprehensive process. You discuss your goals and schedule reoccurring visits. Emergency walkins are accepted, but visits between the hours of 3 and 6 am are highly discouraged.

I really do love the bureaucracy and due diligence here. Just tick all the boxes, even for the billionth party balloon shitpost. 🫡

People are eating them now for fun, bro.

Ain't shit without the goods under the hood. Pics or gtfo. 🤣

Relax! I've informed the president. 🫡

Well, if they want blood, I'm totally cool with that.

By discussing the fact that I'm willing to fight back against Gilliad, I am breaking reddits rules.

$80 for rock tails that probably smelled like piss when they got to costco??!!