my parent's old ford station wagon went over rougher terrain than this. had more seats and a bigger boot too.

keating is still alive, so that's unlikely. the other two are good picks though.

Dexfag of the Boreal Valley

also, who the fuck cares? are you really going to lose sleep over someone you don't know having a slightly easier time in a boss fight?

in any other scenario, it's just a more convenient version of quitting and going back to the title screen.

:Robo-May: - Robo-May

bold of you to assume dragon install was good

:Robo-May: - Robo-May

they need to nerf wwa, not goldlewis. his whole gameplay loop is balanced around the idea that he has really shitty neutral and defense, but if he gets in once then he wins. it's the same kind of logic behind grapplers like potemkin or high risk-reward characters like a.b.a. and baiken.

except wwa throws a big-arse wrench into this gameplan by giving him an instant get-in that puts him right where he wants to be. those neutral/defensive weaknesses from before? not a big deal when one blocked wwa can lead to him snowballing an entire round. if anything, it forces opponents to play way safer in situations where they previously wouldn't have needed to.

combine this stable, easy and consistent gameplan with a solid health pool and great damage, and you have a legitimately excellent top tier, as well as a great tournament pick.

nerfing him directly is a bad idea in this case, as it would only make him more dependent on wwa without actually adressing the problems with his current balance. the best solution - at least in my opinion - would be nerfing wwa instead. especially since fellow top tier nagoriyuki also abuses the hell out of it.

the last time i used tinder, i said that i was non-binary (as i identified as such at the time). the app then asked whether i would prefer to be seen as a man or a woman.

i closed the app, left it for a few weeks, then came back to find that i'd been perma-banned. jokes on them, i ended up coming out as a trans woman and found a partner anyway.

of course he hates it. it's free, accurate, impartial and gives minorities a platform to express themselves.

uj/ for a bit, i genuinely kind of hate how every singelplayer game now is like, "we put 80 bajillion hours of content in our 600 shitrillion km2 map." i get that for people who maybe only buy 2 games a year this is great, but i almost always end up getting burnt out and dropping games like that. the only exceptions i've had have been botw (i was going through a zelda fangirl phase) and fallout: new vegas, which i still haven't finished.

i'd much rather spend 40, 30, 20 - hell, 10 or less hours on a great game that i can then go back and replay than spend 400 hours in a trance doing repetitive sidequests so i can make a number go up. hell, even if the game is good, that several hundred hour completion time is so daunting that it's a deterrant in and of itself.

to put it another way, i'll probably never beat horizon: zero dawn - no matter how much i like aloy or the combat - because i just don't see myself enjoying the grindy progression and side content. by contrast, i've beaten sonic mania almost half a dozen times. it's not a long game, but i adore every part of it so much that i can go back and play it over and over.

rj/ uhm aktually, nintendo games don't even have 8k raytracing and 500 hours of content so they're trash lmao 😭😭😭😭 the switch is a glorified port machine 😭😭😭😭😭😭

ah yes, remakes including metroid prime 4, mario & luigi: brothership and the legend of zelda: echoes of wisdom.

yeah, psx bunlinth (the bloodborne kart lead dev) recreated the meme with her oc and whole bunch of shitheads came out of the woodwork to complain that it was "cringe."

:Robo-May: - Robo-May

nope. you'd need to update the ps4 version to have rollback, and then implement crossplay as well. all for a game that's 7 years old and no longer in active development.

:Robo-May: - Robo-May

90% of it is on the right. and as far as i'm concerned, that's just being a cunt.

:Robo-May: - Robo-May

no there wasn't lmao. it was all just meme clips and new players asking for advice.

that's not being poor, that's being manchild who can't care of himself

:Robo-May: - Robo-May

baiken, pot and gio in the same tier

goldlewis bottom 5

millia s tier

i'm banning leffen from the kitchen

also he's still salty about losing to slash at arcevo lmao

this happens with every new fighting game though. usf4 was a terrible update that killed the game. xturd ruined guilty gear. tekken 7 had terrible movement and 2d bullshit. these were all things people said about these games back when they were new. it doesn't even take that much digging to find comments from back then talking about how shitty and soft all these new fgs were.

but then you skip ahead to now and suddenly everyone's praising the shit out of these games. usf4 is a technical masterpiece. xrd is the last "real" guilty gear game. and tekken 7 at least has actual neutral and defense. and this is treated as some fundamental truth, like these games were never on the chopping block themselves.

people love to reminisce about a past that never existed. especially if they weren't actually there and have never played the games in question.

:Robo-May: - Robo-May

fatal duel has been my go-to for a while now. tho i've also started using the out of world and the re-coming more recently

i do like the vocal tracks but i find the lyrics can be kinda distracting at times.

:Robo-May: - Robo-May

if you're actually curious as to what the lyrics are:

"just lean/ it's anyone's call"/ that is the word of the guy who was hated/ by the god of failure/ "just lean"

naoki tweeted out the lyrics a whole ago.

beyond that idk, though i'm pretty sure the start of the first verse is "no-one here is thinking about the cards"

edit: fucking reddit mobile screwed up my formatting

holy fuck street fighter ex2? where the hell did oop find this?

nice argument. unfortunately, 623h

some clown on that subreddit once tried to convince me that the prequels were't actually hated back then and that was just critics complaining. as if i didn't live through the period where the prequels were still new and awful.

:Robo-May: - Robo-May

yes, she was. she was also one of the most popular responses on the poll that decided who should be dlc in rev 1. the image won't load but she came 2nd overall.

she's been popular for years because she's cute and because she's gnc. this is nothing new.

:Robo-May: - Robo-May

her merch sells, therefore more of it gets made. why would any sane comoany not pick the obviously financially secure option?

also stfu about characters "deserving" shit. you sound like smash player arguing about dlc characters.