What if we just nerf all the other heroes until shes viable

You dont have to counterpick, your not throwing by practicing heroes. But if your not trying to win on the heroes you do choose, you deserve to be reported

The sideways blue and yellow stickers are really funny to me for some reason

Id say mercy is the best choice. Your patients would never die.

Bit more polish. Randomise the orbs. And give him a rattle sound when he jumps (maybe rattle the gum in his head) and this would make a banging mythic i reckob

Chatgpt: type something that sounds smart and used big metaphors plz

Give me the longer beam and ill start playing her again please

My earliest memories were watching my mum play. She has such high lvl accounts she would share with my uncle. But i swear she only ever killed goblins

When strafing, dont forget to mix it up. Stopping and aiming whilst in a fight can really throw off someone whose leading their aim ahead of you

Witnessed a kiriko tp into a corner in front of rein. You know she got solo hammered

I get stressed if i waste time on a day. So i cant go that slow. Now iv beat the community centre maybe i can relax? Probably not though

Is Symmetra on the radar for any upcoming changes? Do you intend to strengthen/weaken parts of her kit to make her more viable. Or change parts of her entirely.

Could we potentially see bigger changes in her identity entirely? Such as losing turrets or regaining her mobile shield.

Is Symmetra on the radar for any upcoming changes? Do you intend to strengthen/weaken parts of her kit to make her more viable. Or change parts of her entirely.

Could we potentially see bigger changes in her identity entirely? Such as losing turrets or regaining her mobile shield.

If one dies you stagger the team. If 5 die you go straight back in together again.

If you put hoppers on top, you can refill any stacks that deplete, whilst keeping overflow in the hoppers (just make sure all the slots are full

Ai wouldnt be too bad for conversations. As ai is already capable of spreading misinformation. Like actual witnesses

Default names? Is Nightraven one too? Never heard of this

Playing Torb, i accept this as a challenge. A few headshots and blocking your punch with my turret. Dooms an easy pick

One of the best additions mapwise id say. Why hate?