Unless it has paddles/extra buttons it's likely not worth it.

I got quite a few things but I'll go with a relatively minor one:

I wish 2-handing a dagger pulled out a second dagger to dual wield, wielding a Dagger with 2 hands is just stupid.

That's why I said having "at least the option" would be nice, or hell they could make it a player only thing if they wanted.

I've played Seamless with a friend with Friendly Fire enabled and it's pretty fun actually having to be careful with the spells you use and your spacing from your allies.

I definitely would love for at the very least the option to be available in future titles, Elden Ring is basically a lost cause for the multiplayer scene, it had all the potential to be great but it's been squandered, that's not gonna change because it'd require a complete overhaul of the multiplayer system and FromSoft aren't gonna do that.

At that rate people wouldn’t really be able to fight mobs together at close range without hitting each other

Good, they should use their brains more, if they have any.

Raging Wolf Set with the chest piece Altered, the Bastard Sword (is actually a Greatsword and not an actual Bastard Sword funnily enough), and the Iron Roundshield.

If you want a slightly better variant of this setup replace the Bastard Sword with the Claymore and the Iron Roundshield with the Kite Shield(style+simplicity), Brass Shield(best medium shield in the base game) or Twinbird Kite Shield(style+bonus effect when low HP) if you intend to actually use the shield to block, OR the Ice Crest Shield for a nice looking shield that gives a small boost to Robustness and will look just as nice sitting on your back as the Iron Roundshield would because the 1-handed GS moveset is basically unusable in ER unless you exclusively use the Claymore's thrusting heavy attack. (If you have the SotE Expansion the Smithscript Shield is also a viable replacement for the Iron Roundshield.)

I kind of agree but at the same time I much prefer it when they take the Quality > Quantity approach.

The Debug Tool is a 3rd party application, I don't know how steam deck works so I can't help ya there. Sorry.

Others have mentioned Cheat Engine or Grand/Glorious Merchant, so I'll mention the EldenDebugTool, you can easily just pop the AoW into your characters inventory, like all others it requires you go offline and disable EAC to use, and I can personally assure you won't get banned, used it myself to give me duplicates of weapons and AoW or those I couldn't be bothered to get properly on 2nd/3rd/4th/Etc characters.

Weapons with fun/good power stance movesets:

Curved Swords, Straight Swords, Daggers, Katana's, Whips.

Weapons with passable/decent power stance movesets:

Axes, Hammers, Spears, Reapers, Halberds.

Weapons with dogshit power stance movesets:

Greatswords, Curved Greatswords, Great-Axes, Great-Hammers, Flails(trash in general), Great-Spears, Colossals. (Literally the only way to use these is to Jump + L1 with everything except Flails and Great-Spears, for Great-Spears you just Crouch + L1.)

If you want high burst damage you'll want the big weapons, though all you'll ever be doing is Jump + L1 because the movesets are such dogshit.

If you want cool dual wielding you'll sacrifice burst damage in a single attack for more attacks, most often used with status effect focused builds and multi-hit Talismans.

Or was it vice versa? Less damage for more buildup?

I believe that skip was implemented before FromSoft added the NPC invasion you can do to bypass doing actual invasions. So it's no longer necessary as FromSoft themselves already put in a PvE way of doing Varre's quest.

The ratio of new weapon types to old weapon types should've been 3|1, 3/4 new, 1/4 old.

It should've just been a "Perfect Block" mechanic to go alongside Guard Counters. Block at the right time and reduce stamina consumption and gain 100% physical damage reduction no matter what you're using to block and also deal a little bit of posture damage (probably something low like 5, not enough to be significant but enough to not lose progress when a boss pushes you to be defensive). That's it, that's all a "Perfect Block" mechanic needs to do.

Oh definitely. I look forward to finding the time to see how Invasions play out in it (as both a BRM and a co-operator).

That's good. It must use a more complex mod identifying code if it's able to separate it so that only those with Reforged match with other Reforged users and those with convergence match only with over convergence users and etc etc for other similar mods.

Yeah I've heard it's buggy atm, but haven't really heard/read details on how it's buggy, at most I read there was some worse than vanilla janky spawns but it sounds like there's more.

Oh she's definitely lying, the dudes sole motivation is to study sorcery, what her real beef with him is we'll likely never know.

I wonder how that'd work for people launching through mod engine and using both Seamless and other mods like Convergence or Reforged...

"So my anger issues and desire to crusade and slaughter all evil in existence is hereditary? Neat." -Would be my response.

I'm inclined to agree, though even then it would've probably been in conflict with the "Hunt the Truth" marketing.

Honestly, take away the misleading marketing, give us Chief + Blue Team and have the new threat be something like "the Didact's death at the end of H4 (where he should have died!) triggered a chain reaction in dormant forerunner superweapons across the galaxy (a failsafe protocol scenario), we gotta find a way to stop them!", something simple ya know?

From the trailer it looked like the SSG had an extending/retractable flail attachment under the barrel or at the bottom of the handle. So probably no meat hook.

Firstly. Doom 2026's multiplayer but better, remove loadouts and just spawn everyone with a pump shotgun and assault rifle, put the rest of the weapons on the map (including the MP only ones from 2016) to be picked up and fought over.

Secondly. A survival mode where a team of up to 6 Knight Sentinels must fight off endless waves of demons.