The Jess spinoff would have been interesting.

I spend $75 a year for VIP so I can have my shop. It seems like a lot but it's a bargain compared to monthly.

I'll occasionally buy credits when there's a sale, but IMO the money I spend in IMVU pales in comparison to what I see people spending in other games.

As long as we're all happy. I'm happy.

I don't know. Everyone's different.

I generally like to do a lot more meal prep. Although I think I was doing it before, they even called it that. I will cook a ton of food on Saturday, and then we eat the leftovers over the course of the week.

The only downside is you can't really cook things that aren't going to hold up a number of days in the fridge. I usually keep it very simple. Anything more complex that's not going to hold up. I do in a smaller quantity and we have it that day.

Now some people like everything freshly done all the time, and that's their prerogative. Who am I to judge?

The only thing they offer are discounts if you buy longer amounts of time.

I pay $75 a year for Platinum. Comes out to $6.25 per month. I do it because I have my shop.

If you want that, you'll have to call their support and speak to a representative. They have not yet put in a means to buy it online.

If they want to fire teachers, then I hope more teachers quit and move out of the state or change careers or whatever.

I want those parents that support this to show up to the school one morning and it's closed because they don't have any teachers. Or they are suddenly freaking out because their child's class doesn't have a proper teacher, but instead some intern or glorified babysitter who isn't really teaching them anything.

Then down the road when their kids can't handle adulthood because they never got a decent education, I'm sure they'll just blame everybody but themselves.

I find it hilarious the people that want to destroy the public school system, and yet the amount of parents that seem to hate on teachers and public schools depend on all of it because they treat it like free daycare.

See how much fun life will be when they have to stay home or even quit their jobs in order to teach their kids. How much fun life will be when they don't have two incomes. See their kid fail in life because he or she was not educated, and probably likely won't go to church despite all of this.

My heart goes out to your teachers, but I'm sick and tired of all of this crap and would rather see the entire system collapse and then parents have to face the hard reality that now they have to take responsibility as opposed to just trashing on the teachers.

If you ask me, this is the usual story with dating apps in general. It's not really anything new..

I think it must have been 20 years ago I was trying to use some of those apps to meet women, and all of the kinds of issues and problems I read about now happened back then too.

I can also remember when it was revealed that some of these apps will keep female accounts that quit on the app as dormant accounts that never respond. Just to make it look like they have a large selection.

Trying to meet people off some app where you are shopping like you are looking through a catalog only means that you have to now now be better at marketing yourself as opposed to seeking a real connection.

The hard reality is that the best way to meet people is still going to be getting away from the screens and going out and doing things. Joining things. Socializing. It's not about sitting at a bar and trying to hit on people, but more just being a part of something and then you are exposed to people that will expose themselves to you.

My wife was a former friend's coworker and that's how we met.

Very true. I definitely agree that he was a negligent father and I definitely was not trying to defend him. I always just wondered if one of the issues that made it so much easier for him to walk away was the fact that he didn't want to give up his life of privilege to go live in Stars Hollow.

I would just bite the bullet and show up.

The bigger hope is that you don't get picked.

I remember a journalist going into one of those kinds of trials that ended up being a miscarriage of Justice, and saying that one of the problems is that everybody tries to get out of jury duty, and that's why you end up with these crap juries that will have these decisions go out there.

Sort of an underlying theme on not complaining about the justice system. If you are actively trying not to do your part.

I got called into jury duty once, barely missed being picked, but what really annoyed me was my work at the time emailing and messaging me wondering about deliverables and things that were due. They were scared to death I would get picked and then suddenly I wouldn't make their deadlines. That clearly annoyed me only because of the fact they can't seem to be organized enough to have somebody cover for me.

Nothing new. I want on vacation once and they had the same problem. So happy I don't work for them anymore.

It's always been a back and forth in terms of updating anything in technology.

People used to complain to death how Microsoft would constantly send Windows updates through, and people upset they have to suddenly pause their lives to update their computer on a regular basis.

Then they would say how that doesn't happen with Mac. But the reality was that Apple would not just push every update out all the time. They would wait over a certain amount of time and then push a larger amount of updates. The upside is that the user doesn't constantly see a string of updates, but the downside is if there is a problem, the user might be waiting a while for an update as they are mounting up all the other updates they want to push through.

The unfortunate reality is we live in a world now where people will sit there and pick apart apps to find every little security vulnerability possible. So these companies can't afford to wait and make it more convenient on the end user if there's a security hole. One good breach and people's lives messed up by that breach can spell the end of a company.

I'm not so deeply bothered by it all. I'd rather have an update immediately, even if that means every night I'm getting updates.

I think I could understand if his social media fame got him noticed, but I would probably be rolling my eyes if people only voted for him for that reason.

This is my biggest problem with Donald Trump. I'm not judging if you or others here like him or not, but I feel like all he does is go into a room, tell the angry mob whatever they want to hear, insult the other side, but offer little to nothing in terms of an actual vision. I've seen too many politicians from both sides do this.

It's pretty much the same thing when you look at high school student council and somebody popular wins, but they really just wanted to win and have the title, but have no real desire or push to do the job.

We will have to see how this person does. Maybe he'll be the next Al Franken.

I always feel like it comes down to the fear that we won't have enough taxpaying working citizens and will have a huge population of elderly people that need the system to take care of them.

Think about it here in the USA. We have a lot of older people that barely have anything saved for retirement, or nothing at all. Some had bad luck in life and never could build up anything, some thought they had enough but then inflation and the changing world drained it, and then others. Simply never thought about the future and then ended up old with nothing to show for it.

Now these people are getting to the point where they might need some levels of welfare to have food, all the discounts and stuff they give to seniors on their property taxes, other breaks, and even later Medicare and Medicaid when they hit health problems. All of that unfortunately costs money and if we don't have a huge population of younger people working and paying taxes, then it becomes a huge problem.

On another note, when you think about population decline in terms of people moving away from certain areas, the fear is always going to be that you end up with a lot of vacancies, businesses leaving because the talent is leaving, and then again, you don't have all of those taxes coming in to pay for things that area might need.

Honestly, I feel like that logic though is living in the past. I feel like we can't have a world of supply-side economics and keeping downtowns as working centers and somehow think that we can just rely on society to go and pump out children. Especially now with how much it costs to raise a child and how much it can destroy a career.

People need to stop. Hoping to just bring back what was there, and instead rethink everything into a system that would work for the modern time.

I guess the real question is, did he actually have real ideas and a vision?

If he only campaigned basically doing what he did on YouTube, had no actual ideas or nothing to say other than maybe making fun of his opponent and government in general, then clearly shows how much people voted as A popularity contest rather than thinking about who is actually going to be running things.

Still, I'm not going to just discount a YouTube prankster because they are a YouTube prankster. People discounted Al Franken because he was a comedian, and yet others say he was an amazing senator and should have just weathered the storm when that old picture came up.

I never want to look at someone's occupation as the measure of if they can do the job.

"Ah, I didn't know. My bad."

Then I'll just finish the conversation when we finish and say it was nice to meet her.

I won't just end things abruptly because then it goes to show her that the man didn't care about anything other than trying to get her, not really getting to know her.

Now I'll be brutally honest, if I chat with a girl for 20 to 30 minutes and no mention of a boyfriend, then when she pulls up "I have a boyfriend", I don't believe it. Usually any girl I know in a happy relationship will mention that boyfriend within the first 10 minutes. That, or she maybe is in a relationship but still shopping behind his back, seeing if some better deal pops up.

Regardless, hearing "I have a boyfriend" is clearly saying "I'm not interested in you". There's no point in even trying anymore, even if she's lying. Better to move on.

I find it funny how Sherri told Lorelei how much Christopher was there during the pregnancy, then later we hear the opposite, that he was pretty much gone (work travel) during the pregnancy.

I'd more believe the work travel one.

Clearly Lorelei's incessant need for attention.

I give Max so much credit for being civil.

Let's also remember Lorelei was dating Alex at the time too, and she wonders why her daughter treats men the way she does?

Not defending Christopher, but I often wonder if part of why that happened is because Lorelei ran away and in many ways insinuated that if Christopher wanted to be a part of Rory's life then he should run away with her and give up his life of privilege.

It's pretty clear he would never do that. Lord knows all his wealth have been from inheritances.

Toss in his weak mind and I'm sure Straub pushed him to abandon when Lorelei was out of the general picture, and head off to Princeton.

Maybe he had intentions of trying when he graduated, but obviously he dropped out and then fell into his own "drifting in privilege" lifestyle.

Again, not defending him, but I'm always curious if part of why Christopher neglected was because it meant he had to leave his life of privilege.

You can use IMVU in a web browser, which is what I feel is how they make it work on a Chromebook.

So try going to this URL on Chrome and logging in -

Look for the setting "Can Enter 3D Rooms on a Browser". See if it works.

I don't know why, but I could imagine Grayson Waller and Austin theory losing to DIY, and then they get into a feud, and then the Bloodline comes out and beats the crap out of theory, with Waller smiling and laughing and becoming the new wise man.

I just look at Grayson as a sniveling prick that would be perfect for the role.

Another thing I would love to see, although I'm sure it won't happen, is then Paul Heyman puts on an ECW cap, calls himself. Paul E or Paul E Dangerously, and then just starts recruiting the most extreme wrestlers he can find to beat the crap out of the Bloodline.

I do agree. I miss the idea of a manager at ringside. Right now it's just members of the faction or the token female.

I will say that would be a cool storyline.

I wonder if Roman's side will call themselves the wolfpac? /s

You know, now I'm hitting my forehead because the idea of right answers only meant sarcasm. I'm kicking myself that I didn't see that.

So if we want a sarcastic answer, I would say...

The maid pulled up on the the driveway and dripped oil from her car on the concrete.

I won't take credit for that, but a long time ago I saw another response in this forum speaking about how Emily possibly hates maids so much because Lorelei became one.

Although we do see stories of Emily being horrible to maids, even when Lorelei was a child. I'm sure the reality is that Emily is just a big snob and believes she's above everyone, but I often wonder if there's now an element of feeling humiliated every time she looks at a maid and in so many ways being reminded of what her daughter did.

She looks at every maid and imagines Lorelei wearing that outfit and working as a maid at the Independence Inn, feeling so embarrassed and humiliated that her daughter chose to be a lowly servant as opposed to a high society woman, so she just takes it out in every maid and fires them for any tiny reason possible.