Yeah, I know. Also fan service!

Although in the case of the Soviets they did at least have frontline Spetsnaz assault battalions.

Would be good AG assets - just like Delta and other SF groups

Cool, it’d be great to see them there as a strategic asset. Like what tactical ballistic missiles and spetsnaz should be.

MoGraph/VFX 15+ years

Real cine lenses are in the tens of thousands, sometimes even six figures. They're rented, not purchased.

"Deep behind enemy lines" -- yeah cool is that what's happening here? At all? No.

Hey, I was gonna ask -- where are the Scuds here? Are they on the front line of a battalion-level force on force fight? I haven't seen them around.

Hm. Good point! Would you rather send probably the most elite small unit tactics force in the world on a deep penetration mission to kill the enemy's high-level command staff, or something else they're uniquely trained to do? Or does it seem like a better investment to see if they can survive some random mortar shell or BMP in any given field in Germany.

Do not do this. It WILL fuck you over sooner or later.

Use collects! It's what they're for!

They're a hostage rescue and CT unit. Their presence in the game at all is fan service.

I figure if you’re not doing something directly to help, you’re hurting. And most times I would say that’s no different from killing in cold blood. And not necessarily free of stress anyway. Don’t want stress? Saving them is the best path to avoid that.

We’re gonna be living in a real Dunning-Kruger world soon. Get used to being creatively undermined, I’d say.

Of course there will still be shops that understand the value of authentic creativity and craft. But probably less and less of them, with less and less jobs.

Hell, even some high-profile users around here have come out talking about how positive they feel about how AI will affect the business. Seems super naive to me, but what do I know. I’m just a bear, I eat the heads off fish.

I mostly use what I find, so lately a lot of 416s stolen off of Rogues. Good results, but for a lot of maps I find the TX-15 just more pleasant to use. Super snappy and the headshots just seem to come naturally. Same with mp9 actually. Cutesy little headshotting machine. Of course one uses basically no ammo and the other uses buckets of it.

Yeah some peoples' hearts wish for a lot of the very apparent weaknesses of this division.

To a professional the cost of C4D is almost negligible, but the same can be said of many people and their hobbies.

It is: the end of the runway is at the end of a steep cliff with sometime significant downdrafts. The pattern/approach is also both uncontrolled and a bit nonstandard, and the runway itself is not level so there is an illusion of it ending well before it does.

People get into trouble there and it doesn’t help that it’s relatively remote and surrounded by water.

:lad: Los Angeles Dodgers

Yes, the hardest position in the hardest sport. Defense is not just a measure of athleticism.

You’re willing to fly (and pay for) an extra 3+ hours, each way, to avoid doing a checkout?

Despite my love of Mothership, I’d say emphatically NO unless your setting is one where every mech pilot is meant to be scared shitless every time they strap in.

You could make it work, I’m sure, but you’d be fighting against the whole point of the game.

Now on the other hand if that IS your theme (war as a horror itself, with survival deeply in doubt) then I think you could do something really special with it.

Not true, it has to collide with the hit box in order to have a chance to hit. So yes, you can outmaneuver missiles, but it’s not worth your time usually.

I got back into RPGs (non-D&D) after my wargaming groups have mostly dissolved and it’s been great. There’s so many fascinating games out there now.