"Yo, what the fuck? That was soo fucked up you guys."

I saw a drunk dude get Superman punched many years ago at a house party. KO.

I typically don't care for this dude as an actor. I liked 30 minutes or less and the first zombieland though.

Theyd mess up my order at the restaurant and shed be like "excuse me he didnt order diet coke he wanted regular". Also the way she smiled and said "Like Caesar" 😍

I think its funny that Cheese didn't change his hair or shave his mustache or anything to try and disguise himself. Not that it would have mattered in the end. I hope somebody takes care of the dog.

All I know about that band is that they got beat up in VB for acting like assholes back in the day

Lots of disappointing comedy sequels came out in the 2010s

Every time because my area hasn't had hardcore shows in over a decade

That's wild I remember the early to mid 90s being mostly ninjas and dinosaurs or skateboarding ninja dinosaurs *sick guitar divebomb

Fly to New Jersey for some pizza and then maybe free North Korea or something

It's all the same shit. Blah blah historical thing, we get it the past happened. Sing about the devil or something.