"starting to think" are ppl that really fucking stupid that you cant make basic connections between your actions and their consequences?

no that the hopspital wont provide a safe space during weather that fucking KILLS people. youre society is nothing but a bunch of soulless greedy morally retarded fucking parasites so why you cant comprehend this is not surprising at all

you cant have capitalism or power monopolies without scarcity the scarcity paradigm is entirely fucking engineered

thanks boomer slime enjoy your retirement as you disappear into the irrelevancy that characterizes your generation lol

"back in my day"

oh, now you make sense. youre one of those stupid fucking dinosaurs who thought woman beating and child raping and lynching black people were normal every day activities

blah blah go fuck yourself you privileged self entiteled piece of shit snowflake

thus proving lorne michaels is a pos child raper sympathizer i dont fucking care who ypu are if you didnt know priests were diddling kids its because you didnt want to know that shit was so fucking prevalent and the perpetrators so comfortable doing it it was like an open secret back in the 80s before it all got blown open as a kind i remember other kids making jokes about being the priests pet

thus proving lorne michaels is a pos child raper sympathizer i dont fucking care who ypu are if you didnt know priests were diddling kids its because you didnt want to know that shit was so fucking prevalent and the perpetrators so comfortable doing it it was like an open secret back in the 80s before it all got blown open as a kind i remember other kids making jokes about being the priests pet

why dont we talk about how businesses w high turn over just refuse raises or fire ppl for asking?

i got to arthur and skipped the whole movie after that duno usually my kina movie but i just couldnt spend the time

the way he cocked his head when he noticed her pregnant stomach. it was like how that other android did it at the beginning

who says it has to be the singularity?

cyber warfare, virus sent through cell network all the androids had the capacity for software updates through some sort of app you could download to your cell (there was a tv commercial advertising it at the start)

plausible that another nation or an intl terrorist group or a domestic terrorist group could have orchestrated the chaos.

maybe the only point was to reprogram the androids to just kill on sight? turn them into mindless killers in a war by proxy

and why send the babies to asia of all places? isnt china the leading intl tech giant? and if not china where in asia then? why not australia? a giant self contained island w a minimal number of ppl who could afford androids

lots of questions

but poor shaming is a time honored european tradition that america has had the privilege to continue. smh no respect for tradition


it didnt happen that way at least not in north america. the tribes here had wolves as working dogs to help w every day stuff and how they integrated into tribal communities was probably varied including people finding pups and raising them and then putting them to work cuz in tribal societies everyone contributes but not specifically thinking theyd make good "pets"

all fascist countries are orwellian. including the usa which is moving into extreme corporate fascism.

its like israel saying palestine is not a country.

china, sigh, where to even begin?

they are moving toward holding the entire planet captive by the balls in every single nation because your leaders are more interested in profit margins than anything else

think about that: your nations leaders would rather make money increase their already overinflated profit margins than give you jobs.

remember the good ole days when some muppet bragging about grabbing women's pussies was considered a muppet and not president material?

its possible that people make racist incidents up but its unlikely. the majority of people are being truthful when they report crime but yes there are always those few pos who have to make false claims and add a shit ton of negative press to an already political environment

no theyre becoming more irrelevant and their outing themselves is a desperate act doomed to utter failure.

ps theyve always been elected to office duno if you know this it appears you may not, but racism (genocide slavery and race based laws) have kinda been america's MO for the past 300 years

this is the one where two self-appointed rednecks, a father-son team, decided with forethought to act as judge jury and executioners on a black man simply because they are racist pieces of shit who saw an opportunity to hurt someone black.

the really sad part is they werent acting alone---the DA should be charged with aiding and abetting bc her refusal to indict would essentially have allowed the two pos to walk free. same with the cops.