Never let them know your next move.

Exactly I can’t tell you how many free trailer hitches I’ve got from parking lots.

Maybe that’s why so many people have the locking hitch pins now…./s

This comment it’s a work of fiction and in no way does it encourage theft of trailer hitches. That is illegal. Don’t do illegal stuff.

GRIFFINDOORRR!!!! Honestly the first thing that came to mind.

Work harder in school and try to major in computer sciences for the tech boom. Also maybe buy $100 in bitcoin to help pay for college.

I’m sorry find a Subaru certified mechanic and inquire if they use OEM parts not knock-off cheaper parts.

Don’t try and save $100 bucks to only do thousands in damages.

I drove like 3-4 hours to Elizabethtown one way for the eclipse…..

The 7 hours back were not fun. Traffic was a Bitch.

How did this Not get addressed while you were in the stage of looking into buying it??? Any competent home inspector would’ve revealed this and you could’ve said (replace roof then we’ll buy) or (we want xx,xxx.xx off since we need to replace the roof)

We are going ALL IN on GameStop buy and hold man!!!

I got clouds for the aurora. I wouldn’t be surprised if I got clouds for that.

I honestly came to the comments to see if there was an answer to picture #5.

I am not a fungi eater.

That’s on the Christmas wish list for sure

My credit union offered me 12%. It took me lots of restraint to not laugh into the phone at that rate. I went with dealership option of 1.9%

If you’re good with your hands but can listen to instructions trades have many openings some with unions too.

Is military an option for you? Genuine question. As that will give you all the stability, housing, job, education you could ask for.

Sheesh anything over 68°F is uncomfortable to me. I’m ok with letting the house warm up a bit while no one is home. However it’s better to only let it rise a little because having to then bring it back down is more inefficient (ac units have to work harder) than maintaining a steady temp.

Getting the match on 401k’s is good. Focusing on that car loan is probably best. 25k @ 7% is a lot in interest. You want to help set yourself up for success before helping others. This includes your kids. Granted you are young and have plenty of time to do both.

Depending on how many hours you put in to make 100k between two jobs. You may want to consider gaining skills to make yourself more marketable/valuable. If you over work yourself into an early grave your family is who loses out.

Saving up for all the expenses that come with a baby add up. Best bet is after paying down the car loan. Then saving money until the baby arrives.

Something to think about is if you were planning on buying a house using the 60k in that robinhood account as a down payment. You would have no emergency fund should any unexpected problems occur with your housing after purchasing. This is one of the biggest pitfalls when buying a home. People will often leverage more house than they can afford.

I’ll let myself freeze on the summit and become the summit landmark.

No they did a really good job on having those invisible railings.