Matthew Lawrence was my first. Manny Jacinto current

He doesn't realize he is repeating the exact same cycle his mother did to him with his own son. I'd be switching up the conversation from "I need you" to "Your son needs you, and he can't speak for himself." OP is NTA but could have handled things differently.

Not to play armchair psychologist, but it seems like both of you might have abandonment issues due to your mutual messed up childhoods. The codependency with husband and his mom can result from abandonment, but so can the desire to flee (OP intentionally leaving the situation before feeling abandoned again). The only reason I say this is because I see these same two dynamics play out in my own family.

I really hope you two can talk this out, OP.

Yeah. "Why are you so defensive?" is only something someone would say if they want the right to criticize people with no pushback.

Yup. Tarantino specifically wrote a scene for Salma Hayek to pour cerveza down her leg into his mouth with her toes. Probably the kinkiest of all his foot fetish scenes.

I use henna. It's a little stinky and a long application process, but it has benefits for curly hair in addition to blending in the grey hairs with a deep auburn color. (My natural hair color is black. I'm Eurasian with wavy hair.) I'll be 36 in two weeks. My beard is 50% black, 40% red, and 10% grey. My scalp hair is 10% grey, and the henna makes it match my beard's coloration

Henna does have some downsides. It's permanent permanent, as in you can't remove it even with hair color remover. Each batch of henna mix will have a slightly different color, but always in that same copper/auburn family. You can go from conventional dyes to henna, but not from henna to conventional dyes. Henna is an antioxidant, so it interferes with the peroxide in hair dye. Just for Men is a metal salt dye, and that doesn't get along with henna OR conventional dyes. (JfM uses metal salts in the formula, so it will turn green or blue upon contact with the peroxide in dye or the lawsone in henna.)

Malaysia still has anti sodomy laws on the books from being a former British colony. Singapore and India overturned theirs in the past 15 years. But Malaysia is still a Muslim majority country, so they aren't going to overturn that one anytime soon.

(And you read that right. The British left anti sodomy laws on the books with all the colonies when they dissolved the Empire in the twentieth century.),Islands%2C%20Sri%20Lanka%2C%20Tonga%2C

He looks more TWC than foxhound, although the breeds are very closely related!

Yup I describe the foxhound tail as a brush and a TWC tail as a whip. TWC is also more likely to have jowel on the lip (but that is not a definite).

Also, foxhounds that are neutered/intact at 4+ years will have a bony bump on the snout.

There's also a specific pattern of tricolor that only shows up in the TWC with significantly more black in the face than the classic beagle or AFH tricolor pattern. The foundation dog for the TWC Tennessee Lead was black and tan, so his coloring paired with the piebald gene is a different type of tricolor from the AFH tricolor.

Put it this way: it's better than it's ever been before. Like another commenter said, the bigger cities and affluent suburbs are fine. I'm from Texas and live in Virginia. And even though Virginia is a "purple" state, the same rules apply in both states. Once you get to the point where the highway exits are ten miles or greater apart, it's time to lie low and blend in. I'm from the generation that saw a lot more homophobia growing up, so hubs and I have never been big on PDA.

It isn't as simple as red state, blue state. There are pockets of red in blue states, and vice versa. One of Austin's nicknames is "the blueberry in the cherry pie" after all

Yeah as a Fort Worth native who went to college in Boston, I still deal with people who think Boston is bigger and Fort Worth is an airport...smh

As a 36 year old, I can say I wasn't mentally an adult until I was 27. From a legal standpoint, the line between child and adult has to be drawn somewhere. I get it. But there is room to criticize problematic age gap relationships without having it conflated as an accusation of pedophilia. OP is getting defensive of something for no reason.

The male frontal lobe isn't fully developed until the mid-20s. Obviously, there is variation (and the science does show the female brain develops faster). For me, I can say it was around 27. That's when I had the ability to catch my emotional responses before I reacted to situations and learned how to cool myself down when I needed to. The amygdala and the prefrontal cortex have a see-saw relationship in the brain. And before the prefrontal cortex is fully developed, the brain is ruled by the amygdala far more often. That's an adolescent brain. You can't really say an 18 year old is mentally an adult. That is factually untrue. I did plenty of dumb sh*t at 18 that I'm STILL embarrassed about

I've been on the other end of this one. Guys making a move on me when I never had that intention. Then them accusing me of being a tease or "sending all the signals." I'm just being nice! Especially when there are different cultural norms at play. It was when I lived in the Northeast (I'm a Southerner) that my kindness got misinterpreted as sexual attraction the most.

Straight women deal with this problem from straight men, too. The problem is men misinterpreting kindness as consent, not a problem with kindness itself.

One of the downsides from the film to digital transition in moviemaking is that digital cameras blow out the highlights when a scene is lit too bright. Everything is shot in low to medium light to avoid details washing out, and as a result, everything looks muddled now.

Film cameras pick up detail in bright scenes better. Digital cameras pick up detail in dark scenes better.

The shadows on/from the toon characters in Who Framed Roger Rabbit actually were computer generated. CGI over cel animation over live action. The original Space Jam also used this technique (although with occasional CG backgrounds that don't hold up)

2001: A Space Odyssey was waaaaay ahead of its time in visuals

Dude, I am Southeast Asian. I'm Lao. You are a racist. Go travel the world some and experience other cultures.

Bus driver might have been able to notice through their big mirror. (Most likely not.)

Characters getting knocked unconscious with a bump to the head and not having a concussion from it. It's a lazy way for screenwriters to get a character from Point A to Point B. Go to a hospital! Don't fall asleep! And Lord, PLEASE don't get behind the wheel of a car.

Lifting their shirt to wipe sweat from the face. Rolling up sleeves to reveal tattoos. Standing/walking so close that they brush up to my leg hair.