I love this team so much. Hate to say I’m a newer fan but have been always following the team. Glad I made the decision to jump on board. We ride and die with this team boys!

I’ve never seen a fanbase so akin to Boston fans. I get they have a big fanbase like Boston so you’re going to get clowns but my goodness. The trolls were in full affect during these last four games. I was so happy the better and hungrier team won. Oilers fans can keep crying about our ice and other nonsense while we hoist our trophy.

It was 13 for you guys not 11. It’s been a while for all of us. Again, don’t have envy towards Green Bay. As bad as my team is I can always count on seeing you guys lose in the nfc championship to a west coast team

Well we want to win super bowls. Not something all of us have done in a while and two of us haven’t done ever. Yeah, I definitely don’t want to be a cheesehead nor am I envious of you lmao

As a bears and Florida panthers fan, this is the start of something special. I’ve been miserable since 2006 and for most of the panthers history. This feels freaking amazing

As a panthers fan this feels like Frodo dropping the ring into mount doom. The evil has been slain. Go cats and thank you flames fans!!!

As a panthers fan coming in peace. Great series. McDavid is going to get his cup one day. Thanks for the wild ride

But why say that. You don’t know what’s going to happen. Two days ago all the doomers said it was over. Clearly it’s not. Go cats

Fair enough. Nothing surprises me anymore lmao

Odds are the Vikings will be the worst team In the division. Bears will probably be third but hopefully improving

I hear you. The venting helps at least. I felt dread after this game. It’s tough to go through. I felt similar to this last year when the heat nearly got reverse swept but they figured it out. This ain’t the heat though. I really hope the panthers can figure out how to squeeze one more win out of this

I get that. I’m a bears fan so I understand true pain. Even as bad as being reverse swept. You’ll get through it. Either way, it’s game 7 anything can happen. Try to have some faith if there’s any left

And if it does it’s devastating. And I get what you mean by fans not sticking around after that. Doesn’t mean the franchise just stops though. You’re a fanatic because you don’t like the team but love them. Can’t give up on a franchise because of a historical collapse. It’s devastating as I said, but real fans stick through it