I try to eat at the same time every day. That's better for the body.

8-9am for breakfast 11:30-12 for lunch 3-4pm snack 6-7pm dinner & never eat anything after 8pm

I do that to keep my blood sugar even

My wife had to remove a bullet from her leg when someone was illegally hunting near our home. But this only happened because we used to live in the middle of nowhere. City people don't really need to know that one.

Aren't AIP vitamins just food? Why not figure out your daily vitamin needs and match it with nutrient dense foods? If getting it in pill form is really the main goal something like Ancestral Supplements might be helpful. Pure encapsulations is also a pretty clean brand.

I eat paleo and 95% vegan but that article just isn't well written. First off a single small study does not automatically "debunk" all the other science in the field. You have to look at all of the evidence as a whole. There are many studies looking at the early diets of man and they vary based on location.

One of the more interesting discoveries, IMO, is the fact that early, pre-agriculture humans were likely scavengers of meat instead of hunters. There's evidence that early humans came and collected animal bones after the other scavengers picked a carcass clean. They would then extract the marrow from bones by breaking them apart with sharpened rocks. It was much safer than hunting and gave them a high calorie energy source.

Of course this doesn't mean that early humans could not have been hunters. It just shows that humans used any food source they could find. Yes they ate a lot of plants because plants are easy to acess. No one is trying to argue that we didn't eat plants. It's just poor journalism to ignore everything that we know in favor of one study.

Invest in a good linen long sleeve shirt & long, wide leg linen pants. I live in the LA area where summers can be brutal & flowy linen is the one thing I can wear that keeps me cool & protects me from the sun. Just make sure it's a very light weight linen and you'll be good.

My friend has a home that used to be part of the underground railroad so it has a secret room under the floor. They don't use it for anything, it's just a cool piece of history.

Do you actually feel good on an all meat diet? Honest question, I don't get how people can do that without destroying their gut. Sulfur-reducing bacteria (the ones that produce hydrogen sulfide gas, aka sulfur farts) love animal fats. I can't eat more than 2 servings of meat a day without it having a negative impact on my body.

The sun also increases dopamine & serotonin so you were likely low in those.

No it's not low vitamin D. The sun is activating your immune system. It helps some people but makes symptoms worse for others.

Have you ever taken antifungal medication or strong antifungal herbs or are you just doing the diet to address candida? IME gut dysbiosis is very hard to fix and an overgrowth of candida can often be a sign that more things are out of balance than just candida.

I used to have a very messed up gut with bad IBS and other health issues. A low sugar/carb diet helped but only so much. I eventually figured out that I had several vitamin and mineral deficencies due to the pathogens in my gut absorbing nutrients better than me. I was low on copper, b2 & b12. The b12 deficency didn't show up on a "normal" test, my serum b12 looked normal. There's another test they do, I think it's called MMA that shows if your body is actually using b12 correctly and that was off for me.

My insurance only covered a few b12 injections but my doctor said I would likely need them until I fixed my gut. So instead of paying for expensive injections I did high dose subligual tabs. I also purchased copper pills and opened the capsules right in my mouth, under my toung, to try absorbing the copper there instead of my gut which was still too inflammed to absorb nutrients well.

My doctor at the time explained that a candida overgrowth was a sign of 2 possible things, that my immune system was not functioning well or that the candida was hidden away from my immune system under biofilms. In my case both were true. I took various things to help break down biofilms and build up my immune system (like zinc despite my bloodwork not showing a deficency).

I hope some of that is useful, I know I tend to ramble, even online! If you have any questions though feel free to ask.

First you need to figure out why, then you can fix it. It's often a sign of an H. pylori infection or fungal overgrowth since they produce acetaldehyde. But other bad bacteria can also produce it. In the mean time to help your body process acetaldehyde better you can take something like taurine or DHM or both. You may also want to take some NAC or glutathione since there's a good chance you are low on glutathione. Acetaldehyde intolerance is a sign of gut dysbiosis and gut dysbiosis uses up glutathione.

I'd suggest getting tested for HP since it's a very common infection. I'd also look into candida overgrowth. You can often reduce candida with a low sugar diet and antifungal herbs. If you don't think it's candida I'd still stick to a low sugar diet and use a broad spectrum antimicrobial herb like oil of oregano for a couple weeks. Bad bacteria that produce ethanol/acetaldehyde typically love sugars, processed or natural. After taking some antimicrobial supplements for several weeks you might want to consider a targeted probiotic based on your exaxct situation.

Doesn't seem like you would get much usable meat out of them. At least my grandmother said she hated having them for dinner because it meant they would still be hungry. They also ate racoon & pigeons which I'd love to try sometime.

I've got a depression era cookbook that has various recipes for squirrel & other unusual game. People will hunt/trap whatever they need to survive. And if everyone starts doing that all at once it will tank many species populations.

Sounds like you might not tolertate high levels of acetaldehyde. At least that's the only compound in smoked foods that can make people feel physically ill that I'm aware of. How well do you tolerate alcohol? If you get hung over sooner than most people that's also a sign that acetaldehyde is a problem for you. Luckily therr are ways to fix it!

Probably not but you can still ask for meds that will help. Most doctors won't prescribe benzo's but something like lyrica or gabapentin can also help. Calcium channel blockers are more downstream but still very useful. For real bad excitotoxicity I used to take gaba and verapamil together. Then after a few months I just needed the gaba. Then after a year I weaned off the gaba.

Perfect Supplements brand has a grassfed beef organs powder.

FYI it's really offensive to be saying that people with severe health issues to the point where they need to be taken care of are "worthless". I still love and value my family members who are in nursing homes.

Do you deep clean your fridge/freezer 3-4 times a year? If not your food might be going bad due to high levels of mold and bacteria. I would also suggest measuring the temp of your fridge to make sure it's in an ideal range.

Cabage should last a month so there's clearly a problem

By a mix of produce - some that can last a very long time like root veggies & cabbage, some that last sorta long like brocolli, and some that shoukd be used in a day or 2 like leafy greens. Then plan your meals based on what needs to be used first. You should be able to get at least a week or so that way.

All grains/seeds have evolved to avoid being digested by causing an inflammatory responce in the gut. Removing the outer hull, like in the case of white rice, can sometimes help with this issue.

Drinking alone can be depressing for some people or even a slippery slope into alcoholism.

Cut out any processed foods (crackers, chips, bread, candy, soda, etc.) plus anything that seemed to bother my stomach - soy, lentils, tomatos, wheat, peanuts. Cutting out dairy is important unless you have access to raw dairy products.

Every meal I had was at least 50% fresh produce, mostly green veggies. I also started adding more fish to my diet and organ meats. Organ meats have higher nutrient contents and fish has healthier fats. Squid in particular is good for your brain due to high plasmogen content. Of course it's not easy to get fresh produce on a regular basis when bedridden unless you have help. My wife did all the shopping and cooking while I was severe.

Fruit is good in moderation. Berries are best. I stuck to 2 servings of fruit a day.

And instead of drinking electrolyte drinks I would use coconut water and celery for electrolytes.

Ask to have something like TGF-beta1 tested or MMP's tested. Those indicate inflammation. There are multiple MMP's and several break down collagen which could lead to joint problems.