Not your business, not your problem, not your concern.

You especially need to do this with EV vehicles. The rotors & stators need to be spun up so the gyro-stabilize.

LePage glue bottle from school arts and crafts!

Get Spidey & Friends to web the thing up. Or ask a city/county inspector to check it out.

Was t this not real time, and pieced together parts? This is just staged editing to make him look as good as possible.

Someone should tell him there’s a Democrat cabal to have Harris replace him and his staff is helping them. Maybe he’ll fire his cabinet & WH staff & Kamala Harris.

Could be the earpiece his handlers use to feed him his responses.

However, it was the Democrat party that thrust him spin us Biden. He was senile 5 years ago. That’s why they kept him from the public. The DNC committed Suicide by Biden 4 years ago, a slow acting 8-Ball overdose.

No. He’s immature. Dump him. Or just wait till he has a need (jock itch, sprained ankle, constipation upset stomach), and asks you to run to the store for him, then toss him the car keys.

No, just say no. Loma Linda hotdogs in a can have been around for decades. Vegetarian! They have not improved vegetarian hotdogs.

I’ll take all beef hotdogs, thank you. Hebrew nationals, Sabretts, etc.

Yes. Someone once said there are only five or six stories. Every thing is a variation of them.

I discovered that pencils are not a viable substitute for a ballpoint pen in the case of emergency tracheotomy.

My head is spinning. I have a lot to learn about paints.

Without offending: men’s brains thoughts vary: height, weight, figure, skin tone, is a calculus, combined with attitude and intelligence creates a lens thru which guys find some women more attractive than others .

Asking a guy why/what may not get you an answer. There’s something (combination) about you that “excites” that guy.

Just a crush, move on open your eyes see the whole world in front of you.