Wait, this isn’t the same person? googles madeline zima

They charge when people cancel class, charge for hr monitoring rentals, charge for the t-shirts that you supposedly earn after completing a challenge, and the memberships are already pricey. I get it, but read the room. This economy is tanking and there are lots of cheaper gym options to go to. They can nickle and dime the consumer for oh so long before they terminate the contract, and stop answering the phone.

I agree, it was almost as if she felt defeated after suspicion was drawn on her. I wish she would have kept the fight in her. I just feel if a Traitor didn't do a hail Mary and out her, she would have felt she had a better shot. Trishelle wasn't going to let that slide and Phaedra knew it. She still should have kept fighting harder though.

No, he did terrible at this show. Doesn't take away from what he did on Big Brother. You have to talk in Traitors or you look suspicious. Everyone told him that, but he still chose not to talk much, til the roundtable and then decides to do a hail Mary and throw out Phaedra’s name when Pavarti is the obvious strategic choice. He could have lived to fight another day and changed the narrative about him in house slowly, but he decided to be a hater and ruin Phaedra’s game because he was jealous that she managed to go under the radar. If it wasn't for him, she would have won. Glad they made up but his game play was trash!

Cassie’s sister. Not trying to be funny, but I dont remember her name lol

Now I see her in Tolu’s comments trying to kiss her ass. Girl bye. We see who you are.

I saw this! Was too lazy to make a post about it, but glad you did. It made me so mad at Jess smh.

Agreed. I didn’t really know Harry’s past in detail. I watched his season of THTH, but it didn’t stick with me. I hadn’t heard much about him until he outed his then-girlfriend, Georgia, for cheating with him. That raised my eyebrow because who would out the person they were currently dating and cause them to get so much hate? (Later, I found out Harry just said that for clout). Even then, I didn’t think much about him. I had never seen someone lie so blatantly, knowing there was proof. I was initially skeptical of Melinda and thought she was exaggerating (I was wrong) because they didn’t show it, and Harry seemed so sure it didn’t happen. I guess I never expected someone to gaslight that intensely, especially knowing the truth would eventually come out. It’s quite mind-boggling. I think moving forward, most people won’t believe anything he says, and he will grow increasingly disliked. I hope he loses a significant portion of his following over time.

I’ve been having more luck with getting interviews through indeed.

When you guys watch this, are you rooting for the traitors or the faithfuls? I root for the traitors, I love watching the faithfuls get mad at eachother and get it wrong. Lol

Agreed, might as well wrap our mind around a Trump presidency then. It’s inevitable at this point, but I will do my part and show up and vote... sigh


I liked Season 2 better; it had more funny moments. A cast full of celebs is going to breed drama and hilarious moments. I don’t like the mix of celebrities and non-celebrities because the pay disparity is too wide. In the end, Cirie could use the pity card and say Arie didn’t need it as much as they did, which is true! So it’s best to have either all non-celebrities or all celebrities. As an audience member, I don’t care to see classism debates. We see enough of that in real life. I want to see people win on pure strategy, not by pulling on empathy for who needs it more.

Side note: I loved Cirie’s gameplay; she was perfect. I just couldn’t watch repeated seasons of people doing that.

Who hurt him? He is so sad and masks it through being an ass.

Unconscious bias is the reason why Tolu is more hated. It was easy for Julie to redeem herself in the end because she had already secured money for herself early in the game, so she knew she wasn’t going home empty handed regardless. Tolu didn’t get the opportunity to secure money for her or her family until the end. They are 2 sides of the same coin, ones just darker. BFFR

I came here to get downvoted as well. I agree with you. I’m voting for Biden, but I know so many people who usually always vote but aren’t going to this year because they are so pissed at Biden’s last two years in office, and now this. If Biden doesn’t step down, we are handing the election to Trump. The Trump supporters and racists will vote for Trump out of spite, but we can’t say the same for past Biden supporters. We are in liberal forums arguing with other liberals about him, so it’s time to read the writing on the wall. Biden isn’t going to win and inspire enough people to the polls. It’s either we start fresh or hand the election to Trump. We can’t argue with every former Biden supporter and make them show up to the polls. I’ve tried, but they have totally disengaged. The way I see it, keeping him on is an easy win for Trump. Biden isn’t all there anymore. Trump has never been, but his voters don’t care. It’s time to wake up and read the room, or we are going to be right back where we were on the night of November 8th, 2016. Yall don’t know how much I want to be wrong about this. Again, I am voting for Biden, but so many people I know, and from what I read, aren’t going to vote at all. Liberals are completely divided. It’s sad, it’s wrong, but it’s our reality. Read the room.

Oh, I see. I didn’t know she said he went on a date with Ines. Those receipts prove that he did not go on a date with her, but they don’t confirm that they were in a relationship. I understand why people are doubting her story now, especially since she was caught in a lie. Thank you for the clarity!

Yes, but the “receipts” don’t confirm they were ever in an actual relationship. I think he was good at smoke and mirrors. I think he is so emo he tried to make more out of their relationship so he could look like the man, and Harry lied for additional clout and to look like “mr. Steal your girl”. These guys definitely gassed the situation to make her look bad and elevate themselves. I never trusted it, even back then. I believe her.

Not coming for you, but I read it again and I dont see how these texts confirm they were ever in a relationship? If they werent in a relationship she couldnt have cheated on him. Did I miss something?

I’m sitting here racking my brain to think “who is georgina” until I scrolled lol.

Selfish without strategy is the theme this season.


I believe it 100%. I got flirty vibes from him and Dom especially. Also, seems to be the type that would do almost any sexual favor for cash. He’ll be rich forever.

Edit: Apparently this isn’t new info. Harry has openly admitted to having queer relationships. I just saw him say it on Tik Tok. So the cheating and the queer relationships aren’t huge bombshells.