Hi all,

I think it's time to upgrade. I've been running an Ender 3 Pro for about a year. When I get everything tuned in, it works wonderfully. pristine prints. The problem is, I can get the machine to run like that for a few small prints, if I'm lucky a few 8+ hour prints. Then it craps out. Almost always under extrusion, sometimes a clog sometimes I think heat creep. I'm not enjoying having to dissemble the hot end every few prints and pray I put it back together without tightening a scree too much, or a small angle to the PETG tube. I've upgraded to a metal extruder, Capricorn PETG, and new springs. I've replaced the cooling fan twice. Always the same issue, works for a while, inevitable problem, back to the drawing board. I'm not opposed to just upgrading the machine itself, but I don't like the hassle of having to do serious maintenance on it just for the print to fail anyway.

Instead, I'm considering an upgrade. I'd rather stay away from Creality.

Country: USA

Budget: $600 is a hard cap, but I'd prefer cheaper.

I mostly use this for making hobby items, some articulated models, household improvements. Things like that.

Right now I'm looking at a few options.

The Bambu Lab A1 seems to get a lot of great reviews. If I go this route, I'd be choosing between the mini and the A1. Regardless I think I'd opt for the model with the AMS. Seems worth it for the extra color options and versatility. The price difference is pretty significant, though. I'm wondering if there's more too it than the difference in bed size. Would I be losing out on a lot going from the Ender 3 Pro to the A1 Mini?

The other option I see would be the Flashforge Adventure 5m. Either the standard version or the Pro. I've read good things about this machine as well.

My main criteria are reliability and ease of use. I'm totally fine dissembling the machine for maintenance now and then replacing parts as they break. But I am not willing to be tinkering with the machine constantly or being at the whim of little mechanical errors.

I suppose I'm wondering if it's worth the extra price to go for the Bambu for the multi-color options and if so would I notice a big difference between the size of my old Ender 3 Pro and the A1 Mini?


Weren’t we fucked enough by Lock when he was on our team?

Anybody doing what now for Lock?

What machine are you using? Just got an ender3 and it’s very temperamental. Give everything a good tighten, make sure it’s all square.

Check this video for a good suggestion on how to get the belt in proper alignment.


They’re (mostly) the real heros here. Source: Former TA with a little narcissism.

Manning v Brady was a serious thing for quite a while.

This was a good game to show that Russ still has it. Still need Hacket gone.

:Broncos: Broncos

I wish I didn’t see this ludicrous display!

I mean, there was a pretty huge difference in the quality of what they inherited.

For a second I thought you meant Bridgewater and was very confused.

I don’t know if it was intentionally delayed. It looks like the fb got in the way. Just not crisp on offense at all

They actually make it in orange too, and it sticks way better.

Because 11 or 12, a field goal gets SF the lead. If we get it and get 13, then the best they can do with a FG is a tie. Really low risk there.