Lol yeah, pretty much from the time they emerge from their cocoon, they're dying

I did wonder if it was to help with just a bit more habitat and cover for little critters. Little a mini version of tree islands around farmland

I just wash it. I'm like never in a situation where the only shirt I could wear is wrinkly and I don't have time to wash it. If for some reason I would need a specific article of clothing smoothed out in less than a couple hours notice, I'd hang it in the bathroom and take a hot shower. I have thought of getting a steamer but I'd maybe use it like once a year, lol so shower steam it is.

I mean both, all of it. My hate for corporate greed is because of what it's doing to the environment. On its own I don't care if people are richer than me, I wouldn't care if people were rich in a vacuum, but they're not, it comes at the expense of the actual people and resources of the world.coperate greed and our environmental problems are very much the same issue. We can point fingers and blame each other all we want, but that's not gonna get us anywhere.

This is what I was thinking. Countries can support other countries in a war without being at war themselves, and there can be international interest in a war without it being ww3. OP mentioned Africa but the cold war had a lot of shit going on in Africa between us and Russia but they weren't officially at war, they were proxy wars. The other thing is cyber warfare, which I think will be a bigger part, probably the main part of ww3. If we include that I think it's more likely it could have already started because we have no idea what nation backed international hackers are actually doing rn. Ww3 very well could've started already in cyberwarfare but I think that could take like a decade after the fact the officially acknowledge

First time: Water, fire, air, lightning

After that: Air, fire, lightning, water

I was thinking especially if they weren't the same hue it would create good contrast, the image I'm getting in my head of "roughly the same hue" looks like they ran out of material and had to improvise to get close.. which would be true, but I think just owning it with actual contrast would look better. Also I think this would be a pretty common stone and getting an actual direct match wouldn't be difficult

Yeah, same as "hashtag" in person. It's a joke but some use it enough that it becomes part of their legitimate vocabulary, and that's how slang works

I mean a solid burger like that made from actual healthy ingredients is going to be pretty healthy, it's all the extra grease and preservatives in fast food burgers that make us just associate burgers with being unhealthy. And everything in moderation, even red meat is not unhealthy as a blanket statement, it's just having it in excess. Honestly the least healthy part is probably the bun.

Drumsticks. And there's a couple shrines they circle over

Basically just follow/join subs you're interested in. Like stuff you like. Some subs are a bit more strict about what you can post so they expect you to just kinda lurk and maybe post a few comments until you feel you "get" the sub/have a sense of what other people do. Subs each have their own rules too, which can feel intimidating at first, but generally if you aren't a dick and at least loosely stay on topic you'll be fine anywhere, loosely staying on topic can even be adding to someone else's joke or clarifying facts even if it's not really about the sub anymore

It may be for crying but it could be used for a backhoe

Totally. I'm not gonna make three more queens, if I'm winning by enough that they should resign I feel I owe them a quick mate or like I have to convert it quickly to justify being up that much and not have won yet. And if it's been a good game and I'm losing I often won't resign to give them the satisfaction or watch and learn how they convert for the win. And if they start making more queens the chance of stalemate goes up. So I'll resign if it's a pretty boring straight forward position and I'm obviously gonna lose, but yeah I pretty much never want my opponent to resign.

That's fair. But there's other aspects other than their body paint that leans it more Polynesian or Samoan for me, like their physique and just general demeanor. The way they say stuff like "Hey, Goro" gives more Polynesian than African.

I believe it was just saying that the chicken sat for 7 days after the cops were in to escort out the evict, not that the cops had to wait 7

Sounds like they just didn't know. He was led out by the cops and I don't think it was rotting yet at the time. I don't see why an evict would be allowed back in even to toss rotting food, if that's what you mean. If they're evicted it's legally not their responsibility anymore, it's not allowed to be. And obviously if someone's evicted and it's now an empty unit then the landlord would be allowed in to their own empty unit to toss it. I assume it was something like they got evicted early in the month and they wouldn't turn it over until at least the next month so they just didn't go in right away. But it does seem weird not to at least check the place quick right after they're gone

Yes of course, but I wouldn't say it's a word that changes its meaning with a one letter. I would say they are two different words that are one letter apart, and they are plenty. But, put, nut, hut. Ball, wall, mall, fall. Hat, mat, cat, sat. Bow, box, boy, bog. These are just some simple one syllables examples

Definitely both. Church was originally developed as a way to answer questions about the world, I believe it's correct to say all religions are technically just a mythology, made up fictional stories to explain things or give us lessons. At this point in the modern era, we don't need god(s) to explain much of what we once did. I think that's why there's more atheists. Also since our understanding has moved past god(s), it makes the uber devout seem that much more out of touch or even just crazy. I think that's what makes it off-putting.

It's still just a rather confusing predicament even when you know exactly what it is, like if you just saw this zip past you you'd still be like "Okay. What the fuck was even that?" straight Marx Brothers shit.

There are two dudes on a motorcycle. They need to transport a mirror as well. They put it inbetween them. Dude in back grabs onto the handles behind him. Dude in back also has to help keep the mirror secured. Dude in back uses his face to support the mirror. Dude in back is not wearing a helmet and presumably neither is the driver. Lol! I'm just picturing them riding by and hitting a few small potholes in a row 🤣

Agreed. Either past the torch and work in a new younger cast or if you have a seasoned veteran cast you want to keep, then write the new script to your cast