Hur hanterar man den biten för spermadonatorer? Någon form av friskrivning måste väl finnas där?

I didn’t mean to “put you straight”, just wanted to give perspective in case you were referring to the conflict as a whole. I suspected that you meant in regards to technology, but even then the disconnect between tactics and emerging technology then was so much larger than it is now I would say.

I do find it very interesting to see how the very expensive artillery rounds we use now fare in modern peer to peer conflict. Are they too expensive for a conflict the size of WW1 or 2? Does production even scale well enough to keep up with demands we see in UKR?


I guess you mean in terms of technology shift? 

Because while horrific in every aspect, Ukraine is not comparable to World War One what so ever. The sheer scale and numbers of World War One has only ever been seen in one other conflict. Even relatively speaking, with it being more condensed, it is not comparable.  

Battle of the Frontiers, on August 22 1914, 27 000 French soldiers were killed, in ONE day. Not casualties. Killed.  

 July 1st 1916, Battle of the Somme. Over a 40 km front line 19 000 brits were killed. Also on one day.  

 March 21st 1918, first day of the Ludendorf offensive almost 11 000 Germans were killed.   And these three examples are just one day out of battles that would rage on for weeks and months.  

I’m not sure which metric you are going by but even in relative terms, while absolutely horrific, the war in Ukraine is not WW1 on steroids.   I understand that we are seeing a shift in warfare and tech but it is just not comparable 

There is something incredibly haunting and helpless about him looking straight at the tiny killing machine just droning above him.  This particular one is not a kamikaze but he knows very well that if it’s not carrying a grenade it is at the very least relaying his every move. Yet he keeps walking. 

This is some dystopian sci-fi stuff. I can only imagine warfare becoming more and more terrifying 

Absolutely fantastic game 

I mean i think the guy is a chiropractor so neither is he. You’d have about as much weight when it comes to medicinal input 


The US is owned through and through by companies like Tesla. There is a reason the Cybertruck would never get approved in the EU

Wtf at the amount of perfume he just sprayed. Remember yall, if you can smell it yourself it’s going to sting other peoples nostrils.

Why does it feel like so many Americans have politicians be so much of their person? I would never in my life think to put out signs promoting a politician and I would absolutely not steal anyone elses, let alone send fucking death threats.

Also your neighbour needs to learn to write the notes himself and not have his 4 your old grandkid do it

It is not and if your spent more than a week doing 3D the signs are super obvious that it’s a render. Look for an other 30 seconds at things like the chairs bracelets and chainlink.

Be careful when you accuse people.


Do we really need a clay render here? Might have to eat this. And dont get me wrong, it’s good but looking at some of the details for more than a second makes it fairly obvious it’s a render.    

First of all if you are doing photorealism and take ready made assets, the asphalt for example you need to remember that your other textures needs to be at a similar level or it will stick out as sore thumb if you’re not careful.    

Comparing, say, the chair to the ground the shading on the chair leg is missing some real detail and the gradient for the roughnessmap is very high in contrast making it look a bit flat. The acctual model of the chair is miles worse in quality compared to the ground as well.  Again, nothing wrong with bringing in ready made assets but then you need to be sure the stuff you make yourself matches that.     

 Then we have the armbands. The smaller chain is floating above the wrist. On the bigger bracelet the chains look very rigid. Give the hand a zoom in and the nails look fairly fake. Thin and kind of flat in shading.     

There something going on with the arms. Either it’s meant to be hair or it’s something else going on but it looks like particles and they do seem to repeat here and there.  

The chain link fence is not overlapping everywhere as it should.  

My guess is  that OP has made the chairs, the fence. The ground is a photoscanned texture from somewhere and the character is brought in with some changes made to it.  Accessories by OP. Not trying a bash a very good render OP. 

You could see this as feedback but it’s mainly for those asking for a clay render. Spend an extra second looking at it.

With that said, it’s always good to provide a clayrender if you are going for photo realism. I think it might even be a rule, no?

Johnson’s Brewing Co Co’s I Just Farted*

Ah, so that’s gonna be a language barrier thing then. Anything refered to as a mint where I come from usually means a breathmint

Never ever heard anyone refer to them as mints 

Nej det myntades 1997 av studenten ”Alana”, då som invcel. Samma person är också grundaren till sidan Alana's Involuntary Celibacy Project som var ett diskussionsforum för incels.

Begreppet incel myntades och använder ju av gruppen i fråga. Det är ju ingenting som någon utanför gruppen incel myntat.

Det är väl inte att ”tigga”? Vad är det för kompisar om du inte kan säga ”tjena, det blev inställd för mig. Vad har du/ni för planer?” 

Inte alls. Säger till närmsta kollegorna att jag inte jobbar idag. Chefen får reda på den när jag rapporterar tid för veckan 

Why not just buy ground beans then? Consistency in grinding makes a worlds difference 

Yes but with a blade grinder you get so little consistency you might as well buy ground coffee rather than whole beans 

Heads up if your need a grinder: go for a conical grinder and not a blade. You get close to 0 consistency with a blade and you might as well just buy pre ground coffee then 

This is a good example of hownyou need to be mindful with every detail. People always say to add imperfections but imperfections has no value in themselves. You have to look at how imperfections actually affect different items. I have never seen a pill with deep scratches all over.

Make use of references and give the micro details another pass.