It likely gives some assurance to collectors who may have been iffy on going “all in” to collect Slaf. He’s got the vote of confidence from management and features to be around long-term as part of the core. But, this is a business, and popular players do get traded. It isn’t enough to move the needle on values, it may just bump some sales here and there.

1 in 8 men think they could win a point in a tennis match against peak Serena Williams.

Bret, in his book, said that they were going to go for 40 minutes until there was a big schmozz DQ at the end. And the match itself to “that” point was a banger.

Ok let’s go!!! Habs about to get a great new player. I want Iginla but I think it’ll be Demidov.

Found Corey Perry’s account!

Other than that gorgeous Caufield, you took a beating there. Oufff.

Sports Card Forum Inventory.

Track all your Pc/traders, add images, etc.

not to my recollection. Would be dependent upon them using it, chopping it so that the full logo is intact, etc.

Many teams produce jerseys for single-game use. The Habs do up jerseys each year for Club 1909 (fan club) redemptions that are often only worn for a single game, and when they come with the COA will specify it’s from “Club 1909 Home Set” and if tracked properly the date(s) of use. This is the same idea here—teams produce the jersey to be worn and then turned over to Upper Deck to be chopped up in card sets. Allows them to do it in such a way that they can still have “Sets” throughout the season to be sold, used in auctions, etc.

Basically this is them acknowledging the drop fucked up. Damage is done. Now that we all know the video is out nobody is going to be driving back to the theatre to watch it. They really messed this up.

Luckily it was just a five minute drive for me. But waiting for 20 minutes for something to load? That was annoying. In a pique of irony, my theatre actually rents out space to a local church on Sundays. When I went to open the door a dude appeared and asked if I was here for a movie or for church. I was like “actual Church or the Ghost thing” and he said real church. LOL

Agreed. Having wasted half an hour for a video that never loaded that I could watch as soon as I got home, very non-plussed. It would have been cool if there was like a poster or a little giveaway from the theatre.

In a pique of irony, my theatre actually rents out space to a local church on Sundays. When I went to open the door a dude appeared and asked if I was here for a movie or for church. I was like “actual Church or the Ghost thing” and he said real church. LOL


In a pique of irony, my theatre actually rents out space to a local church on Sundays. When I went to open the door a dude appeared and asked if I was here for a movie or for church. I was like “actual Church or the Ghost thing” and he said real church. LOL

Has anyone actually had the page load or do you just get a white screen with a little spinning thing

Vancouver in 2016 at The Vogue Theatre. Capacity is 1,280. Awesome way to experience them for the first time.

Upper Deck doesn’t “let” any company have a say in the matter. The NHLPA and the NHL have preferred there be a single licensee for a long time and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

Hell yeah. 2007-08 was my first year back in the hobby and I loved the tier aspect of set-building. Getting those quad diamond rookies was a challenge!

Bret/Diesel at Survivor Series 1995. Their first two matches ended in shenanigans (Anvil run-in causing DQ at KotR 94, mass run-ins at RR95) so this one was made No Disqualification. At the start of the match, both men removed a turnbuckle pad from opposing corners, so it immediately set up that tension. Bret would eventually eat a front turnbuckle on one of those exposed turnbuckles. The match was your classic small guy trying to cut down the big man vs big man overpowering the smaller opponent. For the finish, Diesel knocked Bret off the ring apron through the Spanish announce table—this was one of the earliest instances of it happening in WWE so it was a huge spot. Bret sold it like he was dead. Diesel went for the Jackknife to finish Bret, who slumped to the mat. Diesel picked him up again and Bret swiftly rolled him up with a small package to win his 3rd championship. Great match with fantastic storytelling.