LLM’s are actually decimating power grids in certain areas and are even exacerbating water scarcity in certain places.

Data centers take tons of power and amidst a new rat race, like always, no one has put sustainability in the forefront.

Genuinely, Mozilla has been doing some internally grotesque shit for a long time. Even recently how they treat an executive who had cancer and they just straight up fired him.

Mozilla is a horrid representative of FOSS or privacy focused software, even as solid as Firefox is. (Which I use everyday.)

I so badly want this project to succeed!

As a Gen Z homeowner, that is absolutely not the case everywhere. Coastal areas, rural-ish tourist areas, and much of the more decent urban core of America is absolutely inaccessible and the data backs that up.

I live in a very low cost area and I even got monumentally lucky with the deal on my home.

Then what’s your point? Who cares? Then don’t house them. Should we just abandon housing the homeless merely because some may refuse?

It’s not. I have the same issue.

It’s unreal what a complete lack of genuine education does to a country right?

And not a single one of those had anything to do with Trump.

How is it not completely transparent to you that you didn’t point out a single policy position and the results therein?

This is as dumb as me saying COVID was Trump’s fault because he was in office.

Pointing out clear differences and how they impact the entire globe isn’t “left-wing”. Trump is absolutely worse than Biden across literally every metric.

Also, on a political front, Biden cannot be considered left-wing across any genuine definition found in textbook political theory.

Yes, voting for a literal, text-book far-right nationalist (arguably a fascist) is not good. If you aren’t a billionaire, are apart of a demographic outside of white, heterosexuality, voting for Trump is absolutely voting outside your interest and harming the United States.

Yes, the orange man’s policies is what is enabling corporate greed to such an extent that we are experience inflation due to centralized price fixing. There is a reason there are record profits that increased at an exponential rate after the pandemic.

Is Biden tough enough on billionaires? Fuck no. And that’s an issue. But good god, is Trump much worse. He’s a part of them and he doesn’t give a fuck if eggs are $15 a dozen.

I’m going to say, I may of went into KCMO to be an intern at one point in my life and I quit after the first day due to how monumentally dysfunctional everything was in a specific department. I can’t say which one or when, but it looked like a nightmare to work in with a pretty overbearing boss, not great culture, absolutely outdated systems and workflow, etc.

Enforcing a minimum comment length feels like the most Economics Reddit moderator thing to do lmfaoo

I have struggled with Flatpak with fractional scaling for so long. I will absolutely try this. Are you on Nvidia or AMD? I assume this might make a difference.

Fair enough. I grew up super frugal and definitely carried that onto adulthood. I would never think to go into debt for a vacation. I simply do not go on them though! It’s too damn expensive.

Yeah, in my mind we can never truly look at spending and debt increase for consumers through rational, free consumption. It never truly works like that.

The whole point is your idea of “dumb” is so monumentally subjective compared to the actual real, material situation in the economy today. Why does anyone give a flying fuck if people go into debt to go on vacation when the economy is so severely rigged against working people?

There’s also a sociological phenomenon as well that economists have highlighted that when people have less, they spend and borrow more. The chance of accumulation of any assets is so low that people just give up on the dream of owning much of anything.

I grew up poor too. Like, genuinely 1/2 of this country. We’re not special people who get to ordain how people handle a severely rigged economic outlook.

Your first thought here is shame towards the very people who’ve had an economy utterly rigged against them, amidst the largest wealth gap between rich and poor in human history? Really?

Hmm, I am in 5 or 4 stars. Primarily 5, so that might be why there is some difference. That said, I've always found 5 start to be ironically a little more tame on the sweat end of things vs four star, actually. (5 star sits in this medium where you find really good mechanical players who just kinda run random kit for fun, and four star is much more competitive.)

Anyhow, there's certainly still that essence, I just feel like it's taken a pretty big step back on that front. The last few updates we're the big kicker on the economy end imo.

Yeah, I think there is a serious lack of adherence to what made Hunt: Showdown such a compelling, original and good game. It fit into this really nice accessible hardcore shooter. It's losing that hardcore area very, very fast. It's now leaning into an arcade adjacent game that is trying to capture a larger mainstream audience. And that's just not Hunt.

I've gotten the vibe that Hunt is appealing on a corporate level because it's a Crytek game that can be monetized like a live service game. I'm almost positive Hunt is their newest cash cow they are using to springboard development (and some support of Hunt) in other games and their engine.

You’re going to get shit for this on here, but this is indeed the worst patch I’ve seen in this games development. (Been playing for just around 4 years or so.)

It’s not the bugs that has hit me as seemingly hard as you it seems, but I think with the spear and some of the general direction they’ve taken the game the past year or so has kind of culminated in this patch just kind of fortifying Hunt in this really rough state. Balance, the economy, and some mechanical changes through the years has not helped this game.

I’m going to guess at the minimum 1/3rd absolutely know that Adobe is.

Okay, but Parachutes is one of the greatest albums ever.

The past year or so, Hunt: Showdown has gone in the opposite direction of what made it so great to begin with. They’ve killed a lot of the intensity in gun fights as the economy used to hold some type of scarcity. I just don’t see that anymore. The threat of going broke keeps getting lower, and I’m continually seeing more expensive loadouts all over. The game was phenomenally balanced and that allowed cheaper loadouts to be more than viable. I used to feel good when finding expensive loadouts on dead Hunters, but it’s just a given now.

The game mechanically operated like a more hardcore shooter within the extraction shooter framework, and now I am really feeling it’s becoming a pure arcade shooter, but extraction based.

It really is an absolute shame. With a growing player base (BECAUSE OF THE GAMES ORIGINAL CHALLENGE AND CHARM) they are going the route of trying to appease everyone. Which, of course in gaming, appeases no one.