I have about 1,300 gallon storage for capturing rain. You'd be surprised at the burn rate of water, 1,30 gallons isn't that much in a non-emergency scenario. I read that a family of 4 uses about 12,000 gallons of water per month. If people are actively prepping then of course they need water for their livestock and mascots, water for crops and so on. This is just roundabout way of sharing my opinion in the direction of a well. :)

Oh for crying out loud- That's your argument? That us plebians cannot share an opinion on the matter because we're not lawyers?

Excellent. Yes, we have a lot of chickens right now.

Yea that makes a lot of sense. What would you recommend doing instead?

I've heard sorghum is a good crop because it's hardy and nutrient/calorie rich. So us non-green thumb types can plant it, and as long as we keep the weeds down, it will do its thing. And then after harvest it provides what we need to eat. Sounds like a win-win.

You work for me. I'm your boss. "Better" has nothing to do with it. Now get back to scrubbing that floor, private .. I wanna see asses and elbows... Work!

Watch the movie Civil War. Interesting case study about what happens to people who assume they can steal power...

Wuuuut? Your somehow better because why, you do kitchen patrol?

Very elegant, takes notes.. I get this all the time playing old Sicilian as black. At least one in 5 games

This guy doesn't know how to trash talk, that much is clear.

(Warning: disaster in the making) My wife's cousin, Ralphy is a huge dystopian scifi fan. He wants to name his kid 'Shartran' because it sounds "futuristic" and, "like something George Mitchell would come up with." His wife isn't much better.is it a tragedeigh?

I wish this was a joke, but it's for real. Ralphy and Dawn recently saw Furiosa and are totally enchanted with the characters, like Scrotus, and Smeg. I don't jest, these guys aren't right in the head. I explained what a 'shart' is and they wasn't at all fazed. What do you do in this situation?

You should feel honored, you have a front row seat to the fall of the 3rd Earthwide Empire... (Rule Britannia was #2, Rome was the first)

This is the most terrifyingly real portrayal of vampirism that I've ever seen. I can't think of any vampire movie more scary.

The USA is so fucking fucked. We're witnessing the decline of the Roman empire all over again.

Nta he deserved to lose a few teeth