Amazing. Looking forward to the finished image

Correct. The more stress I am under, the more difficult it is too manage and that's when I start to recognize that I fall back into self medication with boose or weed or all kinds of distractions which isn't healthy. Self care has become so important to trying to manage my stress

How are things in your area with referrals to other places? Seems like here in NY, no one is taking referrals/has a wait list unfortunately.

Sometimes it's us as they don't want to be confrontational. Sometimes things are getting too difficult for them that it's easier to just not deal with the issues than for them to keep dealing with it. Sometimes they are better and just decide to cut ties. Sometimes there's other things going on in their lives that needs more focus such as impending homelessness. Sometimes it's a finances thing. There's a billion things. I love when I can have closure with someone because I think it's important but at the end of the day, it's their lives and i have to accept that. It does feel like it goes through periods where things are stable and then people start ghosting though. Confrontation is difficult for a lot of people.

They probably don't have the power to deny them unfortunately

Who does the intake? Is it clinicians or secretaries or whatever?

Self care and learning about my ocd has helped a lot. I've tried medicine and therapy, but the end of the day the less stressed I am, the easier it is to sit with my uncomfortable thoughts because I understand what is going on more now than in the past. The more stressed I am, the more difficult it is to manage

Because most agencies don't care if you are a good or even an effective therapist. All they care about is that you can bill for services and cram as many people as possible in your schedule.

There's no real answer to this other than what you mentally can handle. Agencies always have requirements and assign everyone the same amount of clients but never take into consideration the complexity of the person. One person going through a very difficult time can be more stressful than 50 other people combined.

Thank you for clarifying. The way it was written originally did make me think you were kinda imposing but look at this explanation helped me better understand what you were getting at.

So you were annoyed with their values and challenged them over and over and over again about it until they saw otherwise?

So I have to ask is there a therapeutic method behind doing this or is it more of an attempt to force the therapist's values on a client?

I ask because when I first meet with clients, I will ask them about their treatment history and what they liked vs what they didn't like and a common thing they tend to tell me is that they felt like their therapist was constantly preaching to them.

Probably. Anytime I used my debit or credit card in there, it's now linked to an account for me where all my past purchases can be viewed/tracked

This sounds like a pay to play thing. If you can swing it and want to do, it go for it, but after you weigh the costs of almost 10k is that going to do much for the band to recoup those costs? Typically if you are being asked to tour, I would personally try to work as many of those costs in the agreement as possible.

Contact the Eeoc. Unless there is more to this, you probably have enough here to find cause

Not stuck, but denial is all part of the grieving process. Unfortunately there's no time frame for how long it will take you to work through this but it's completly normal

I loved the multiplayer and wish they would bring it back in another game

Are all three children the same gender? Typically it is expected that boys and girls have their own space. I believe a living room also can count as a bedroom though

I tend to forget that you can do that because I'm used to every other game penalizing you for leaving the match early. Hopefully that's not something they ever implement

That was a nice feature and the randomness was a nice touch. Kinda wish they could somehow combine that into the current set up but I won't be on until later tonight to check it out so we will see if I hate it compared to what last season we like or if I like it better

I haven't played this season yet to see but before there was times I could nail all the daily quests in one match so the last season when they made the change to one per match, it felt like they were making us grind more

That same dark spot also shows up under her chest though. It's probably just more the material shining in different spots than anything. Maybe it's just me, but it's not anything that I would find distasteful

I'm glad they brought this system back instead of only being able to accomplish one task per match

All ice breakers are lame and just amount to everyone knowing even less about each other than they would have if you just asked everyone to introduce themselves