Our highschool music teacher left her Facebook page logged in and open in our final year class and the troublemakers looked through some of her PMs.

That's how we confirmed our History teacher was planning on cheating on her husband again, this time with the Gym teacher.

Well if the writer played FShep, you've alienated a good portion of players who prefer MShep. If the writer romances Kaiden, they've alienated all the Liara lovers of ME1 etc.

Sure there's going to be people who'll stick to the series until the end to see how it plays out but the grand majority of them won't be represented by the chosen choices and because those choices are being made in an official, linear adaptation, people are going to feel that those choices are canon which they may not like.

Chaos 2024

An available Ash of War for lightning bottles let you scatter a cloud of exploding lightning mist.

Aiming directly at the ground would have all of them explode in the same area at once for huge damage numbers.

Exactly. So much of the context behind people/groups and their actions is only explored through asking side characters their opinions on the galactic politics.

Even if you weren't worried about pissing off fans by committing to major story decisions, you could never condense three 30ish hour games into three 2 hour movies without cutting a lot of the context and worldbuilding. Even going the route of a series would be plagued with episodes of just talking to people and trying to inform the audience of background details/events important to the setting.

Any game that relies heavily on player choices.

The Fallout show (for the first half at least) did so well because it was an original story in the Fallout universe, rather than trying to adapt the story of one of the games.

I've seen a lot of people clamoring for Mass Effect movies based on the games but there's so many choices and intricacies that would bring so many problems. Male or Female Shepard?* Paragon or Renegade? Who would be romanced and stay romanced in 2 & 3? Cure the Genophage or not? and, of course, which color lightshow for ME3?

*most people say FShep was the better VA but that stats for both the original games and Legendary Edition remasters showed MShep was the more popular pick amongst players.

DLC costume. There were other suits and weapons as well, the Public Enemy suit in WoA is a direct reference to the same suit DLC for Absolution.

What sucks about them is that the game doesn't let you choose your suit/weapons before starting a mission so you could only use them in Contracts mode.

Had a dream a few years ago where me and my friends were survivors in a world that had been decimated by shadowy, supernatural beings with powers.

We were scavenging an old civilian bunker for supplies to bring back to our settlement when we came across all sorts of mementos belonging to long dead humans from the initial war against the shadows. Things like photos, shoes, stuffed toys etc. As one of my friends was sorting through a pile, a cold chill ran down my back and I went to warn my friends we should leave soon only to see them slumped on their knees, heads upwards at the ceiling and bleeding from the eyes.

I could feel my eyes watering so I rushed to grab a gasmask to try and shield myself from their influence but when I slipped it on I saw a shadowy silhouette standing in the door we entered from and it rushed me in less than the blink of an eye.

Then I woke up. One of only a few nightmares I've only had once.

:City: Arkham City

I am neither smart nor bisexual but I think they were asking if you'd smash or pass on Two Face

Are you playing with any mods that patch glitches?

It's a very well known/documented bug on console that the Weathered 10mm Pistol doesn't show the mods but still applies the effects.

I'm pretty sure if you break into the room with the lady who you buy/trade casino chips with you'll find them in there.

That's where they are in the Ultra Luxe at least.


Mary at the end may or may not be literal Mary

In the In Water ending he picks her body up and puts her in the passenger seat of the car before driving the both of them into Toluca Lake. In the Rebirth ending he takes her body to the church to revive her. It has to be her actual body in those cases.

And before you say her body was already in the car at the start of the game, that's never specified by the game. Ito said that was the case.

Chaos 2024

Yep one of those mechanics from the old games that was never explained and a lot of players don't know about. Some grabs even have different animations for you breaking out of them vs letting them play out.

There's also holding down the 'Cycle pouch' button (down on the D-Pad) which will automatically swap to whatever's in the first slot (most likely Crimson Flask). Been a mechanic since Dark Souls 3 and Remastered. Same applies for Spell slots too.


Ito confirmed they're both her father and brother.

Besides, Silent Hill was able to bring the actual Mary back to talk with James (either to forgive him in the In Water and Leave endings or insult him in the Maria ending). So it's entirely possible the town brought her actual father and brother back to torment her.


I have to disagree.

Resident Evil puzzles are nowhere near the level of Silent Hill's. At most you're pushing something into place or shuffling wires/platforms/something to create a path (like the electrical circuit puzzle in the holding cells/Irons' office). Whereas in Silent Hill you've got to find the answer through riddles and even has a separate difficulty for puzzles and combat. RE2Make also never (from what I can recall) makes you combine multiple items to create the key for a puzzle like SH2 does at multiple points (hair and needle for hook. Wax doll, horseshoe and lighter for handle etc).

Mr X also pursues you throughout the entire police station while Pyramid Head only chases you in two hallways (that he can't follow you out of), the rest of his appearances are scripted encounters.

Finally, SH doesn't encourage ammo conservation at all. You can almost exclusively use the pistol once you get it because the game showers you in bullets for it and even has an option after beating the game to increase the value of bullet pickups (up to x3, so instead of 1 pack of pistol bullets giving 10 rounds, it'll give 30).


Ito said it  was both the Father and Brother on the walls and they both have castration wounds.

There's also a photo of Angela with her mother, father and brother in the Blue Creek Apartment that's torn between Angela and her father and brother. She also mentions during her meeting in the Graveyard that she thinks her father and brother are in Silent Hill.

So I think the game implied it while the novel, which was illustrated by Ito, confirms it.


It's Angela's father. Butchered by her in retaliation for her abuse. Opposite him is another, identical, body representing her brother who also abused her.

Yeah they've always been harder and I really think the open-world design shot them in the foot this time balance-wise. They put a system in place to make it more balanced () but I and many others straight up just don't like that system.

In my first run it took me over 50 attempts to beat Radahn (a few days before the nerf patch got released)

I too struggled immensely with pre-patch Radahn and almost quit ER because of him despite 100%ing almost all the previous FromSoft games. Also, you saying that is really funny but I can't say exactly why.

I would hop on, wipe out some Fiends or Marked Men (either in Lonesome Road or Dry Wells) then hop off once I got my fill. Did that for a long time.

Also every time you go to Zion, 14 in-game days pass so that can make the time fly by.

At the base where you can find the Three Fingers. Instead of going into their room look around the room where the Grace is, the wall to the right of Hyetta has a gap you can attack/roll through to reveal a hidden passage to Deeproot Depths.

Launch Fallout 76.

New Vegas is my favorite game of all time because of the in-depth, branching quests and how your choices shape the world and people within it.

Fallout 76 was a looter-shooter, survival crafting MMO with light RPG elements. The game is an always online MMO so your choices during quests could/would never affect or shape the world and Bethesda lauded the fact that the game (at launch) had zero human NPCs, so you could be assured that all quests would lead to either a robot or dead body. Either way it meant how you resolved quests wouldn't be reflected on the characters in the game either.

Survival crafting games are one of my least favorite genres of games already and to have seen Bethesda step even further from NV (after already getting quite far off with Fallout 4) has permanently soured the game for me. I'm aware they've taken steps to improve the game and RPG elements since then (they even changed the survival aspects from punishing to rewarding) but the fact remains that, at its core, it's a survival crafting looter-shooter with quests that don't affect the wider world and don't matter in the slightest.

Also fuck the Atom Shop, fuck the Duffle Kerfuffle and fuck the lies like how they said the Atom Shop would be cosmetics only and that it'd be the only monetization for the game only to add stat boosting gear, repair/scrap kits and robots that hunt scrap for you as well as tacking on a $100/year subscription service they also locked Ranger Veteran armor from NV behind to entice people into buying.

Started school in 2004, finished in 2017.

My primary school classrooms were old enough they had both a whiteboard and blackboard but the teachers preferred the whiteboards (easier to clean, markers weren't at risk of snapping, less grating for students with auditory sensitivities).

When I got to Intermediate, none of my classrooms had blackboards.

Highschool had only a few classrooms with blackboards (again, they had whiteboards too that were more popular with the teachers). Those classrooms were demolished in my second year for earthquake safety regulations and the replacement classrooms had just whiteboards.

As much as I dislike The Last of Us II, I have to applaud it because it has really in-depth assist mode options, including invincibility, invisibility from enemies while crawling, filters to highlight objects or enemies and recoil/auto-aim adjust.

Undertale also has a suit of Temmie Armor that makes you near invincible, heals +1HP every other turn (sounds miniscule but you only have 20HP to start), grants increased I-Frames after being hit and increases Attack Power by +10.
It does cost 9,999G but every time you die however, it permanently decreases in cost to as low as 750G (after 25 deaths).

Yep. Same with the highway town Arefu named because of a worn out 'CAREFUL' traffic sign.

Also, Novac being made from a destroyed 'No Vacancy' motel sign.

Ambrose Island was (free) DLC for Hitman 3 and released much later in the game's lifespan, that's why it doesn't make you play it as part of the normal campaign.

As for the Sniper Assassin challenges, certain maps either don't let you bring Sniper Rifles (ICA Freeform training, ICA Final Test, Carpathian Mountains) or they have some special modifier that makes it unfeasible/impossible (The Icon's target is wearing a full-body bulletproof suit so killing him by gunfire is impossible) so that's why they're omitted from certain maps.