I miss living back west sometimes, I want a double-double animal and protein style. It was a nice treat.


As a former desert dweller, now swamp dweller, I always recommend native-plant gardens. Helps with water bill and still gets you some nice greenery. And good for local birds.


The adage is that most people are having fun and most commenters here don't actually play the game.

Same when lawyers bring up FMJ or expanding rounds

This has knocked keto dieters out of ketosis just being within the same area

Oh no someone put a prism in front of the white light making a rainbow pattern, we'll just get right on removing it after we take a break, sometime, later.

But according to the old guys at the range .22LR is the deadliest round ever because it bounces around the insides

Oh it made me smile every time I was working phone support. Meant I didn't have to deal with them anymore.

I was looking for this comment, for a working man this stuff is GOAT

Frogs all the way down. I'm on the "Oh no, anyways" train

Can we just have one thread about frogs? Seriously rather have lewd-cosplay spam at least then have something worth looking at.

Southern California (San Diego specifically) is the hub of Carne Asada fries. The true cheese to use is cotija https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fb/Carne_Asada_Fries_from_Lolitas.jpg 

Sorry but dirty trucks are a sign that they are actually being used for what a truck is supposed to be used for.

Mostly a problem with the frog farmers (aka no-lifers) not doing content that got you properly scaled gear and relied to heavily on bronze drops to upgrade gear.

How to improve black mage? MORE GAUGES!!

Big oof even the Joker doesn't mess with the IRS

Yummy word salad. Do you smell burnt toast?

A DPS meter that wouldn't risk me getting banned if I did use one.

Now if only I can get gear for my mage that isn't a stretchy tube. =(